Éditeur OMS / WHO
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (213)

Malgré son prix élevé pour le consommateur, la cocaïne est en train de devenir en Amérique du Nord et en Europe la drogue préférée d'un nombre croissant de toxicomanes. Le développement spectaculaire de la consommation dans ces régions au cours [...]
Cette publication veut fournir aux planificateurs et aux administrateurs une information de base sur les divers types de systèmes utilisés pour les données épidémiologiques, en particulier, la notification des faits, celle des cas et les registr[...]
WHO estimates that 71 million people worldwide were chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in 2017. Globally, 23% of new HCV infections and one in three HCV deaths are attributable to injecting drug use (PWID). HCV is also a major con[...]
A review of country reponses in 2002 noted that IDUs tend to be excluded from highly active antiretroviral therapy, and often even from basic primary care, almost everywhere. An extra effort is therfore necessary to promote equal HIV/AIDS preven[...]
LivreFRANÇAIS : Les blessures (accidents de la route, brûlures, noyades, empoisonnements, chutes, etc.) représentent plus du tiers de la morbidité due à la consommation d'alcool. Ce document de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) synthétise le[...]
In recent years there has been increasing emphasis on the role of general practitioners in the detection and management of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption, which is a common problem among patients attending primary health care services[...]
This book is the product of a multinational research project on "Gender, Alcohol and Culture: an International Study" (GENACIS). GENACIS is a major collaborative effort to highlight the relationship between gender and alcohol issues, seek greate[...]
This report reviews the outcomes of a project to better understand as weIl as develop a methodology to study the factors associated with sexual risk behaviour among alcohol users in diverse cultural settings. The project was conducted in eight[...]
FRANÇAIS : Ce document donne des orientations en matière de politiques et de législation concernant la disponibilité, l'accessibilité, l'abordabilité et le contrôle des médicaments élaborés à partir de substances régies par les conventions inte[...]
The ATLAS on Substance Use provides a structured description of available prevention and treatment resources for substance use disorders in WHO regions, different income economies and the world. Chapter 1 introduces the epidemiological aspects[...]
This manual introduces the AUDIT, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, and describes how to use it to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption. The AUDIT was developed by the World Health Organization[...]
WHO Regional Office Western Pacific ; WHO Regional Office South-East Asia (New Delhi) | 2005
RapportWithout implementation of full HIV/AIDS prevention interventions by 2005, projections suggest that an additional 20 million HIV infections will occur in the two regions by 2010, together with severe associated social and economic problems. The g[...]
FRANÇAIS : Cette publication a pour but d'expliquer comment asseoir sur des fondations solides l'exécution de votre projet de prévention par le truchement d'une planification soignée et de préparatifs minutieux. Vous apprendrez dès lors sans g[...]
This manual is written to help primary health care workers - physicians, nurses, community health workers, and others - to deal with persons whose alcohol consumption has become hazardous or harmful to their health. The AUDIT was developed as a[...]