Le Point SINTES n° 9
Auteur(s) :
Année :
Page(s) :
18 p.
Langue(s) :
Éditeur(s) :
Paris : OFDT
, Note de résultats
Collection :
Le Point SINTES, 9
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Discipline :
PRO (Produits, mode d'action, méthode de dépistage / Substances, action mode, screening methods)
Thésaurus mots-clés
Thésaurus géographique
Résumé :
Comme chaque année, le dispositif SINTES coordonné par l'OFDT publie son bilan pour rendre compte des observations menées sur le territoire. En 2022, 623 collectes de produits psychoactifs ont été réalisées, soit une augmentation de 18 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Comme en 2021, la concentration de la cocaïne collectée est particulièrement élevée (entre 70 et 100 %). Parmi les nouvelles observations, l'OFDT note en 2022 que le changement de réglementation sur la 3-MMC aux Pays-Bas a eu un impact sur l'offre disponible en France, avec des substitutions à l'insu des usagers, notamment avec la 3-CMC. Le HHC fait désormais l'objet d'une surveillance active et est classé comme stupéfiant. Il a été repéré pour la première fois en France en 2022 sous l'appellation de «cocaïne rose». [Résumé d'éditeur]
The French National Detection System of Drugs and Toxic Substances (SINTES) is a monitoring program led by the OFDT since 1999 that aims to detail the composition of psychoactive products circulating in France. It is based on the analysis by partner forensic laboratories of products collected from users by designated collectors.
SINTES thus enables documentation of emerging drug trends and new products and therefore contributes to the reporting of information to the Early Warning System managed by the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA). As its national focal point, the OFDT's mission is to report early information and, if necessary, to issue alerts at national level.
SINTES Update No. 9 reviews the 2022 drug collections and highlights key points about new psychoactive substances (NPS).
A total of 623 psychoactive substances were collected under the SINTES system in 2022, an increase of 18% compared to the previous year.
Collections due to incomplete results or products unrecognizable in drug-checking services are increasing (25% in 2022 compared with 10% in 2021).
Collection of vaping liquids adulterated with synthetic cannabinoids from young users remains stable compared with 2021.
As in 2021, the concentration of cocaine collected is particularly high (between 70 and 100%).
Regulatory changes on 3-MMC in the Netherlands have impacted the supply in France, with mis-selling observed, particularly with 3-CMC.
HHC, a semi-synthetic cannabinoid that is actively monitored and now classified as a narcotic, was spotted for the first time in France in 2022 by the SINTES system.
Following active monitoring, 'pink cocaine' was spotted for the first time in France in 2022 by the SINTES system. This misleadingly-named product contains psychoactive substances other than cocaine. [Editor's abstract]
Comme chaque année, le dispositif SINTES coordonné par l'OFDT publie son bilan pour rendre compte des observations menées sur le territoire. En 2022, 623 collectes de produits psychoactifs ont été réalisées, soit une augmentation de 18 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Comme en 2021, la concentration de la cocaïne collectée est particulièrement élevée (entre 70 et 100 %). Parmi les nouvelles observations, l'OFDT note en 2022 que le changement de réglementation sur la 3-MMC aux Pays-Bas a eu un impact sur l'offre disponible en France, avec des substitutions à l'insu des usagers, notamment avec la 3-CMC. Le HHC fait désormais l'objet d'une surveillance active et est classé comme stupéfiant. Il a été repéré pour la première fois en France en 2022 sous l'appellation de «cocaïne rose». [Résumé d'éditeur]
The French National Detection System of Drugs and Toxic Substances (SINTES) is a monitoring program led by the OFDT since 1999 that aims to detail the composition of psychoactive products circulating in France. It is based on the analysis by partner forensic laboratories of products collected from users by designated collectors.
SINTES thus enables documentation of emerging drug trends and new products and therefore contributes to the reporting of information to the Early Warning System managed by the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA). As its national focal point, the OFDT's mission is to report early information and, if necessary, to issue alerts at national level.
SINTES Update No. 9 reviews the 2022 drug collections and highlights key points about new psychoactive substances (NPS).
A total of 623 psychoactive substances were collected under the SINTES system in 2022, an increase of 18% compared to the previous year.
Collections due to incomplete results or products unrecognizable in drug-checking services are increasing (25% in 2022 compared with 10% in 2021).
Collection of vaping liquids adulterated with synthetic cannabinoids from young users remains stable compared with 2021.
As in 2021, the concentration of cocaine collected is particularly high (between 70 and 100%).
Regulatory changes on 3-MMC in the Netherlands have impacted the supply in France, with mis-selling observed, particularly with 3-CMC.
HHC, a semi-synthetic cannabinoid that is actively monitored and now classified as a narcotic, was spotted for the first time in France in 2022 by the SINTES system.
Following active monitoring, 'pink cocaine' was spotted for the first time in France in 2022 by the SINTES system. This misleadingly-named product contains psychoactive substances other than cocaine. [Editor's abstract]
Affiliation :
Dispositif SINTES, OFDT, France
Cote :