Article de Périodique
Substance abuse treatment for Ontario residents in the United States (1996)
(Traitement de la toxicomanie suivi aux Etats-Unis par les résidents de l'Ontario)
Article en page(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Thésaurus mots-clés
Thésaurus géographique
Résumé :
Au cours des dix dernières années, un nombre croissant de canadiens a subi un traitement pour la toxicomanie dans des centres situés aux Etats-Unis. Le contexte politique et légal du recours aux programmes de traitements américains est analysé, ainsi que les modifications récentes des consignes de remboursement concernant ce type de soins "en dehors du pays". Les auteurs décrivent ensuite les principales tendances des programmes américains dans la dernière décennie et les comparent à celles des méthodes propres à l'Ontario. Cette information a servi à orienter le développement des services de traitement en Ontario, et à mesurer l'impact des initiatives politiques visant à réduire l'utilisation des ressources thérapeutiques extérieures.
In Canada, individuals experiencing problems related to their alcohol and drug use receive treatment and rehabilitative care through services provided primarily through the publicly funded health and social service system. During the past decade, however, an increasing number of Canadians have received treatment for substance abuse at facilities located in the United States, with most of the cost for this treatment borne by the various provincial health insurance plans. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the Ontario experience of treatment for substance abuse in the United States. First, the policy and planning context for the use of American treatment programs by Ontario residents and the rationale for recent changes to the reimbursement guidelines for such out-of-country treatment is reviewed. Secondly, the major trends in utilization of American programs over the past decade will be described and comparisons drawn to trends in the development of Ontario's own treatment system. This information has been used to help guide the development of treatment services in Ontario. In addition, the data serve as a baseline to measure the impact of various policy and program initiatives recently introduced in Ontario to reduce the utilization of treatment resources based in the United States.
Au cours des dix dernières années, un nombre croissant de canadiens a subi un traitement pour la toxicomanie dans des centres situés aux Etats-Unis. Le contexte politique et légal du recours aux programmes de traitements américains est analysé, ainsi que les modifications récentes des consignes de remboursement concernant ce type de soins "en dehors du pays". Les auteurs décrivent ensuite les principales tendances des programmes américains dans la dernière décennie et les comparent à celles des méthodes propres à l'Ontario. Cette information a servi à orienter le développement des services de traitement en Ontario, et à mesurer l'impact des initiatives politiques visant à réduire l'utilisation des ressources thérapeutiques extérieures.
In Canada, individuals experiencing problems related to their alcohol and drug use receive treatment and rehabilitative care through services provided primarily through the publicly funded health and social service system. During the past decade, however, an increasing number of Canadians have received treatment for substance abuse at facilities located in the United States, with most of the cost for this treatment borne by the various provincial health insurance plans. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the Ontario experience of treatment for substance abuse in the United States. First, the policy and planning context for the use of American treatment programs by Ontario residents and the rationale for recent changes to the reimbursement guidelines for such out-of-country treatment is reviewed. Secondly, the major trends in utilization of American programs over the past decade will be described and comparisons drawn to trends in the development of Ontario's own treatment system. This information has been used to help guide the development of treatment services in Ontario. In addition, the data serve as a baseline to measure the impact of various policy and program initiatives recently introduced in Ontario to reduce the utilization of treatment resources based in the United States.
Affiliation :
Social Evaluation Res. Dept, Addict. Res. Fdn, London, ON, Canada