Redeployable CCTV and drug-related crime : a case of implementation failure
(CCTV redéployable et crime lié à la drogue : un cas d'échec de la mise en application)
Auteur(s) :
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Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Note générale :
Drugs Education, Prevention and Policy, 2006, 13, (5), 451-460
Résumé :
In the UK, CCTV is a tool that is commonly used for fighting crime despite the fact that independent studies have disagreed on whether and to what extent it works. To date there has been little work that has focused specifically on the impact of CCTV in tackling drug crime. The aim of the research on which this paper is based was to assess the effectiveness of a different type of CCTV, termed redeployable CCTV, in tackling drug crimes. In theory, redeployable CCTV systems have a major advantage over static CCTV systems as they can be moved around a community to tackle crime hot spots, as such they were considered ideal for tackling drug crime. The methodology included extensive periods of observation in three police areas, stakeholder interviews and assessments of relevant documentation. The findings were disappointing in that the desired impact was not achieved, in part because of implementation failure, therefore this paper concentrates on the process of implementation. The conclusions highlight the implications for policy and crime prevention. (Author's abstract.)
In the UK, CCTV is a tool that is commonly used for fighting crime despite the fact that independent studies have disagreed on whether and to what extent it works. To date there has been little work that has focused specifically on the impact of CCTV in tackling drug crime. The aim of the research on which this paper is based was to assess the effectiveness of a different type of CCTV, termed redeployable CCTV, in tackling drug crimes. In theory, redeployable CCTV systems have a major advantage over static CCTV systems as they can be moved around a community to tackle crime hot spots, as such they were considered ideal for tackling drug crime. The methodology included extensive periods of observation in three police areas, stakeholder interviews and assessments of relevant documentation. The findings were disappointing in that the desired impact was not achieved, in part because of implementation failure, therefore this paper concentrates on the process of implementation. The conclusions highlight the implications for policy and crime prevention. (Author's abstract.)
Affiliation :
Perpetuity Res. Consultancy International Ltd, 148 Upper New Walk, Leicester LE1 7QA, E-mail m.gillperpetuitygroup.com
Royaume-Uni. United Kingdom.
Royaume-Uni. United Kingdom.
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