Bulletin de Périodique
Addictive Behaviors , Vol.37, n°1 - January 2012
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Résumé :
• Economic evaluation of drug abuse treatment and HIV prevention programs in pregnant women: a systematic review. Ruger J.P., Lazar C.M., p. 1-10.
• Treatment of substance abusing patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Kelly T.M., Daley D.C., Douaihy A.B., p. 11-24.
• A randomized, controlled trial to test the efficacy of an online, parent-based intervention for reducing the risks associated with college-student alcohol use. Donovan E., Wood M., Frayjo K., Black R.A., Surette D.A., p. 25-35.
• Psychometric properties of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) with substance abusers in outpatient and residential treatment. Voluse A.C., Gioia C.J., Sobell L.C., Dum M., Sobell M.B., Simco E.R., p. 36-41.
• Influence of measurement setting and home smoking policy on smoking topography. June K.M., Norton K.J., Rees V.W., O'Connor R.J., p. 42-46.
• Race-specific associations between trauma cognitions and symptoms of alcohol dependence in individuals with comorbid PTSD and alcohol dependence. Williams M., Jayawickreme N., Sposato R., Foa E.B., p. 47-52.
• Marijuana use among traumatic event-exposed adolescents: posttraumatic stress symptom frequency predicts coping motivations for use. Bujarski S.J., Feldner M.T., Lewis S.F., Babson K.A., Trainor C.D., Leen-Feldner E., et al., p. 53-59.
• Memory associations between negative emotions and alcohol on the lexical decision task predict alcohol use in women. Campos-Melady M., Smith J.E., p. 60-66.
• Effects of cigarette smoking status on delay discounting in schizophrenia and healthy controls. Wing V.C., Moss T.G., Rabin R.A., George T.P., p. 67-72.
• Social-environmental factors related to prenatal smoking. Homish G.G., Eiden R.D., Leonard K.E., Kozlowski L.T., p. 73-77.
• Past and current alcohol consumption patterns and elevations in serum hepatic enzymes among US adults. Tsai J., Ford E.S., Li C., Zhao G., p. 78-84.
• Web-based intervention for adolescent nonsmokers to help parents stop smoking: a pilot feasibility study. Patten C.A., Hughes C.A., Lopez K.N., Thomas J.L., Brockman T.A., Smith C.M., et al., p. 85-91.
• Predicting university undergraduates' binge-drinking behavior: a comparative test of the one- and two-component theories of planned behavior. Elliott M.A., Ainsworth K., p. 92-101.
• Personality and alcohol use: the role of impulsivity. Shin S.H., Hong H.G., Jeon S.M., p. 102-107.
• Telehealth-delivered group smoking cessation for rural and urban participants: feasibility and cessation rates. Carlson L.E., Lounsberry J.J., Maciejewski O., Wright K., Collacutt V., Taenzer P., p. 108-114.
• Effects of mood and urgency on activation of general and specific alcohol expectancies. Treloar H.R., McCarthy D.M., p. 115-118.
• Identifying subtypes of dual alcohol and marijuana users: a methodological approach using cluster analysis. Harrington M., Baird J., Lee C., Nirenberg T., Longabaugh R., Mello M.J., et al., p. 119-123.
• Premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions in opiate dependent men receiving methadone substitution treatment. Chekuri V., Gerber D., Brodie A., Krishnadas R., p. 124-126.
• A procedure that differentiates unintentional from intentional overdose in opioid abusers. Britton P.C., Bohnert A.S., Wines J.D., Jr., Conner K.R., p. 127-130.
• Ways of problem solving as predictors of relapse in alcohol dependent male inpatients. Demirbas H., Ilhan I.O., Dogan Y.B., p. 131-134.
• Correlates of expected positive and negative support for smoking cessation among a sample of chronically ill veterans. Fish L.J., Gierisch J.M., Stechuchak K.M., Grambow S.C., Rohrer L.D., Bastian L.A., p. 135-138.
• Maternal predictors of comorbid trajectories of cigarette smoking and marijuana use from early adolescence to adulthood. Brook J.S., Rubenstone E., Zhang C., Brook D.W., p. 139-143.
• A risk profile of elite Australian athletes who use illicit drugs. Dunn M., Thomas J.O., p. 144-147.
• Depression among regular heroin users: the influence of gender. Sordo L., Chahua M., Bravo M.J., Barrio G., Brugal M.T., Domingo-Salvany A., et al., p. 148-152.
• Treatment of substance abusing patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Kelly T.M., Daley D.C., Douaihy A.B., p. 11-24.
• A randomized, controlled trial to test the efficacy of an online, parent-based intervention for reducing the risks associated with college-student alcohol use. Donovan E., Wood M., Frayjo K., Black R.A., Surette D.A., p. 25-35.
• Psychometric properties of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) with substance abusers in outpatient and residential treatment. Voluse A.C., Gioia C.J., Sobell L.C., Dum M., Sobell M.B., Simco E.R., p. 36-41.
• Influence of measurement setting and home smoking policy on smoking topography. June K.M., Norton K.J., Rees V.W., O'Connor R.J., p. 42-46.
• Race-specific associations between trauma cognitions and symptoms of alcohol dependence in individuals with comorbid PTSD and alcohol dependence. Williams M., Jayawickreme N., Sposato R., Foa E.B., p. 47-52.
• Marijuana use among traumatic event-exposed adolescents: posttraumatic stress symptom frequency predicts coping motivations for use. Bujarski S.J., Feldner M.T., Lewis S.F., Babson K.A., Trainor C.D., Leen-Feldner E., et al., p. 53-59.
• Memory associations between negative emotions and alcohol on the lexical decision task predict alcohol use in women. Campos-Melady M., Smith J.E., p. 60-66.
• Effects of cigarette smoking status on delay discounting in schizophrenia and healthy controls. Wing V.C., Moss T.G., Rabin R.A., George T.P., p. 67-72.
• Social-environmental factors related to prenatal smoking. Homish G.G., Eiden R.D., Leonard K.E., Kozlowski L.T., p. 73-77.
• Past and current alcohol consumption patterns and elevations in serum hepatic enzymes among US adults. Tsai J., Ford E.S., Li C., Zhao G., p. 78-84.
• Web-based intervention for adolescent nonsmokers to help parents stop smoking: a pilot feasibility study. Patten C.A., Hughes C.A., Lopez K.N., Thomas J.L., Brockman T.A., Smith C.M., et al., p. 85-91.
• Predicting university undergraduates' binge-drinking behavior: a comparative test of the one- and two-component theories of planned behavior. Elliott M.A., Ainsworth K., p. 92-101.
• Personality and alcohol use: the role of impulsivity. Shin S.H., Hong H.G., Jeon S.M., p. 102-107.
• Telehealth-delivered group smoking cessation for rural and urban participants: feasibility and cessation rates. Carlson L.E., Lounsberry J.J., Maciejewski O., Wright K., Collacutt V., Taenzer P., p. 108-114.
• Effects of mood and urgency on activation of general and specific alcohol expectancies. Treloar H.R., McCarthy D.M., p. 115-118.
• Identifying subtypes of dual alcohol and marijuana users: a methodological approach using cluster analysis. Harrington M., Baird J., Lee C., Nirenberg T., Longabaugh R., Mello M.J., et al., p. 119-123.
• Premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions in opiate dependent men receiving methadone substitution treatment. Chekuri V., Gerber D., Brodie A., Krishnadas R., p. 124-126.
• A procedure that differentiates unintentional from intentional overdose in opioid abusers. Britton P.C., Bohnert A.S., Wines J.D., Jr., Conner K.R., p. 127-130.
• Ways of problem solving as predictors of relapse in alcohol dependent male inpatients. Demirbas H., Ilhan I.O., Dogan Y.B., p. 131-134.
• Correlates of expected positive and negative support for smoking cessation among a sample of chronically ill veterans. Fish L.J., Gierisch J.M., Stechuchak K.M., Grambow S.C., Rohrer L.D., Bastian L.A., p. 135-138.
• Maternal predictors of comorbid trajectories of cigarette smoking and marijuana use from early adolescence to adulthood. Brook J.S., Rubenstone E., Zhang C., Brook D.W., p. 139-143.
• A risk profile of elite Australian athletes who use illicit drugs. Dunn M., Thomas J.O., p. 144-147.
• Depression among regular heroin users: the influence of gender. Sordo L., Chahua M., Bravo M.J., Barrio G., Brugal M.T., Domingo-Salvany A., et al., p. 148-152.
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Dans Addictive Behaviors (Vol.37, n°1, January 2012) Article : Périodique
Dans Addictive Behaviors (Vol.37, n°1, January 2012) Article : Périodique
Drug abuse and transmission of HIV during pregnancy are public health problems that adversely affect pregnant women, their children and surrounding communities. Programs that address this vulnerable population have the ability to be cost-effecti[...]
Dans Addictive Behaviors (Vol.37, n°1, January 2012) Article : Périodique
Dans Addictive Behaviors (Vol.37, n°1, January 2012) Article : Périodique
OBJECTIVE: To update clinicians on the latest in evidence-based treatments for substance use disorders (SUD) and non-substance use disorders among adults and suggest how these treatments can be combined into an evidence-based process that enhanc[...]
J. D. Jr WINES ;
Dans Addictive Behaviors (Vol.37, n°1, January 2012) Article : Périodique
Dans Addictive Behaviors (Vol.37, n°1, January 2012) Article : Périodique
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to develop a procedure for assessing unintentional overdose (OD) in opiate abusers that differentiates it from intentional OD, and provides reliable information about the incident.
METHODS: A sample of 1[...]