Bulletin de Périodique
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs , Vol.81, n°5 - September 2020
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- Factors influencing alcohol use among adolescents in South Asia: A systematic review. Athauda L.K., Peiris-John R., Ameratunga S., McCool J., Wickremasinghe R., p. 529-542.
- Drug poisoning deaths among women: A scoping review. Lynn E., Doyle A., Keane M., Bennett K., Cousins G., p. 543-555.
- Addressing the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis C, overdose, and COVID-19 among people who use drugs: The potential roles for decriminalization and safe supply. Bonn M., Palayew A., Bartlett S., Brothers T.D., Touesnard N., Tyndall M., p. 556-560.
- Use without consequences? A commentary on Bonn et al. (2020). Carroll K.M., p. 561.
- Putting the horse before the unicorn: A safe supply strategy should begin with partial agonists - A commentary on Bonn et al. (2020). Del Pozo B., Rawson R.A., p. 562-563.
- Unsafe supply: Why making controlled prescription drugs available for unsupervised use will not target the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis C, overdose, and COVID-19 - A commentary on Bonn et al. (2020). Lembke A., p. 564-565.
- Interaction between the 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and negative life events in adolescent heavy drinking. Kim J., Zaso M.J., Desalu J.M., Park A., p. 566-574.
- Alcohol use disorder and parental alcohol use disorder as predictors of reproductive timing. Blake A., Smyth H., Sternberg A., Waddell J., Chassin L., p. 575-583.
- Alcohol-related neurocognitive disorders: A naturalistic study of nosology and estimation of prevalence in South Wales, United Kingdom. Heirene R.M., Roderique-Davies G., Angelakis I., John B., p. 584-594.
- A longitudinal analysis of nicotine dependence and transitions from dual use of cigarettes and electronic cigarettes: Evidence from waves 1-3 of the PATH Study. Snell L.M., Barnes A.J., Nicksic N.E., p. 595-603.
- Diversion of medical marijuana to unintended users among U.S. adults age 35 and 55, 2013-2018. Terry-McElrath Y.M., O'Malley P.M., Johnston L.D., Bachman J.G., Schulenberg J.E., p. 604-613.
- Alcohol-related risky behavior patterns and their association with alcohol use and perceived alcohol stigma in Moshi, Tanzania. Zhao D., Nickenig Vissoci J.R., Mmbaga B.T., Abdullah A.S., Staton C.A., p. 614-623.
- Sociosexuality and sex with new partners: Indirect effects via drinking at parties and bars. Hone L.S.E., Testa M., Wang W., p. 624-630.
- The potential health impact of an alcohol minimum unit price in Québec: An application of the international model of alcohol harms and policies. Sherk A., Stockwell T., April N., Churchill S., Sorge J., Gamache P., p. 631-640.
- The link between alcohol sales and alcohol-related harm in Finland, 1995-2016. Norström T., Ramstedt M., p. 641-646.
- Event-level predictors of alcohol-impaired driving intentions. Motschman C.A., Hatz L.E., McCarty K.N., Merkle E.C., Trull T.J., McCarthy D.M., p. 647-654.
- Social networks of clients in first-time DUI programs. Matsuda M., Chan Osilla K., Kennedy D.P., Paddock S.M., p. 655-663.
- Mentorship for Addiction Problems (MAP): A new behavioral intervention to assist in the treatment of substance use disorders. Tracy K., Wachtel L., Goldmann E., Nissenfeld J., Burton M., Galanter M., et al., p. 664-672.
- Tightly bound: The relationship of network clustering coefficients and reincarceration at three therapeutic communities. Warren K., Campbell B., Cranmer S., p. 673-680.
- A qualitative examination of gabapentin misuse inside of treatment and recovery settings. Buttram M.E., Kurtz S.P., p. 681-686.
- A reply to Monteiro et al.'s (2020) 'Alcohol policy and coronavirus: An open research agenda'. Kaplan M.S., Kerr W.C., McFarland B.H., Bensley K., Caetano R., Giesbrecht N., et al., p. 687-688.
- Who is really the source of alcohol policy information: The example of a social aspects and public relations organization in Brazil. Pinsky I., Pantani D., Messas G., Sanchez Z.M., p. 689-690.
- Factors influencing alcohol use among adolescents in South Asia: A systematic review. Athauda L.K., Peiris-John R., Ameratunga S., McCool J., Wickremasinghe R., p. 529-542.
- Drug poisoning deaths among women: A scoping review. Lynn E., Doyle A., Keane M., Bennett K., Cousins G., p. 543-555.
- Addressing the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis C, overdose, and COVID-19 among people who use drugs: The potential roles for decriminalization and safe supply. Bonn M., Palayew A., Bartlett S., Brothers T.D., Touesnard N., Tyndall M., p. 556-560.
- Use without consequences? A commentary on Bonn et al. (2020). Carroll K.M., p. 561.
- Putting the horse before the unicorn: A safe supply strategy should begin with partial agonists - A commentary on Bonn et al. (2020). Del Pozo B., Rawson R.A., p. 562-563.
- Unsafe supply: Why making controlled prescription drugs available for unsupervised use will not target the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis C, overdose, and COVID-19 - A commentary on Bonn et al. (2020). Lembke A., p. 564-565.
- Interaction between the 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and negative life events in adolescent heavy drinking. Kim J., Zaso M.J., Desalu J.M., Park A., p. 566-574.
- Alcohol use disorder and parental alcohol use disorder as predictors of reproductive timing. Blake A., Smyth H., Sternberg A., Waddell J., Chassin L., p. 575-583.
- Alcohol-related neurocognitive disorders: A naturalistic study of nosology and estimation of prevalence in South Wales, United Kingdom. Heirene R.M., Roderique-Davies G., Angelakis I., John B., p. 584-594.
- A longitudinal analysis of nicotine dependence and transitions from dual use of cigarettes and electronic cigarettes: Evidence from waves 1-3 of the PATH Study. Snell L.M., Barnes A.J., Nicksic N.E., p. 595-603.
- Diversion of medical marijuana to unintended users among U.S. adults age 35 and 55, 2013-2018. Terry-McElrath Y.M., O'Malley P.M., Johnston L.D., Bachman J.G., Schulenberg J.E., p. 604-613.
- Alcohol-related risky behavior patterns and their association with alcohol use and perceived alcohol stigma in Moshi, Tanzania. Zhao D., Nickenig Vissoci J.R., Mmbaga B.T., Abdullah A.S., Staton C.A., p. 614-623.
- Sociosexuality and sex with new partners: Indirect effects via drinking at parties and bars. Hone L.S.E., Testa M., Wang W., p. 624-630.
- The potential health impact of an alcohol minimum unit price in Québec: An application of the international model of alcohol harms and policies. Sherk A., Stockwell T., April N., Churchill S., Sorge J., Gamache P., p. 631-640.
- The link between alcohol sales and alcohol-related harm in Finland, 1995-2016. Norström T., Ramstedt M., p. 641-646.
- Event-level predictors of alcohol-impaired driving intentions. Motschman C.A., Hatz L.E., McCarty K.N., Merkle E.C., Trull T.J., McCarthy D.M., p. 647-654.
- Social networks of clients in first-time DUI programs. Matsuda M., Chan Osilla K., Kennedy D.P., Paddock S.M., p. 655-663.
- Mentorship for Addiction Problems (MAP): A new behavioral intervention to assist in the treatment of substance use disorders. Tracy K., Wachtel L., Goldmann E., Nissenfeld J., Burton M., Galanter M., et al., p. 664-672.
- Tightly bound: The relationship of network clustering coefficients and reincarceration at three therapeutic communities. Warren K., Campbell B., Cranmer S., p. 673-680.
- A qualitative examination of gabapentin misuse inside of treatment and recovery settings. Buttram M.E., Kurtz S.P., p. 681-686.
- A reply to Monteiro et al.'s (2020) 'Alcohol policy and coronavirus: An open research agenda'. Kaplan M.S., Kerr W.C., McFarland B.H., Bensley K., Caetano R., Giesbrecht N., et al., p. 687-688.
- Who is really the source of alcohol policy information: The example of a social aspects and public relations organization in Brazil. Pinsky I., Pantani D., Messas G., Sanchez Z.M., p. 689-690.
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Dans Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (Vol.81, n°5, September 2020) Article : Périodique
Dans Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (Vol.81, n°5, September 2020) Article : Périodique
People who use drugs (PWUD) face concurrent public health emergencies from overdoses, HIV, hepatitis C, and COVID-19, leading to an unprecedented syndemic. Responses to PWUD that go beyond treatment - such as decriminalization and providing a sa[...]