Éditeur Mouton publishers
localisé à :
La Hague
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (37)

Native apparently somewhere in central Asia, cannabis is at present one of the most widely disseminated cultivated plants. Cannabis as we know it has developed together with man as a multi-purpose economic plant; and, as a result of selection fo[...]
Data, drawn from field work in progress in Colombia, South America, are presented on the cultivation, marketing, and consumption of cannabis. The analysis is an effort to liberate cannabis from the individualistic, idiosyncratic thinking of past[...]
Le cannabis a été utilisé par l'homme depuis la préhistoire autant pour ses vertus médicales et magico-religieuses que pour la confection d'objets obtenus à partir de ses fibres. Aujourd'hui il attire l'attention du monde occidental pour ses pro[...]
Cannabis has been grown in Nepal, in both wild and cultivated varieties, for an extremely long time; but its uses, and attitudes toward them, have begun to change in recent years. Traditionally, Hindu yogis (more often than not pilgrims from Ind[...]
Professor Michael Beaubrun of the University of the West Indies was the guest speaker at a joint dinner meeting of the Congress sessions on cannabis and on alcohol. The address provides comparative data from the British West Indies and posits so[...]
Relatively little is known regarding the drug effects of marihuana in man, vis-à-vis the different methods of preparing the plant material prior to actual use. A search of the scientific literature reveals cryptic references which lead one to be[...]
Two ceramic smoking-pipe bowls, excavated in Lalibela Cave, Begemeder Province, Ethiopia, were radiocarbon dated to 1320 + 80 A.D. A modified thin-layer chromatographic technique, applied to the pipe residues, yields positive tests for cannabis-[...]
A detailed description is given of the various modes of consumption of cannabis, bhang as a drink and charas for smoking, in Pakistan, a society in which cannabis is socially accepted. The study includes preliminary social and medical investigat[...]
The history of cannabis in Canada extends back to the early 17th century, but non-medical use can be conclusively documented only to the 1930s and popular use to the mid-1960s. Cannabis was first legally prohibited in 1923; criminal penalties fo[...]
A report on the initial stages of research on chronic cannabis users in Costa Rica. Work on the project began in July, 1973, and is expected to terminate by September, 1975. It will involve in-depth studies of the sociocultural context of cannab[...]
Arguments presented by researchers to explain "why" Andean peasants chew coca leaf have traditionally centered around the fact that coca leaf is the source of cocaine alkaloids. Following the presentation of several cocaine-models of coca chewin[...]
Cannabis sativa has been used throughout southern and eastern Africa for centuries, yet we know little about its origin, diffusion, and patterns of use. This paper deals with the likely migratory routes and diffusion patterns of cannabis in Afri[...]
Despite the growing volume of literature on the subject of hemp, the historical routes of its diffusion remain obscure and there is scant reference to its ubiquitous role in folk ritual, magic and medicine among European peasantry. The term cann[...]
Cannabis sativa, or kif, grown in large quantities in the Rif Mountains, is one of the chief cash crops in the area; although illegal, cultivation has flourished as a result of ecological and political factors that delimit the economic potential[...]
Cannabis indica, originating in central Asia, was probably introduced into Southeast Asia about the sixteenth century. The vernacular name used throughout Southeast Asia is derived from the Sanskrit ganja. Cultivation of the plant is on a family[...]