Éditeur NIDA
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (117)

VILLATORO-VELASQUEZ J. A. ; CEWG, Organisateur de réunion ; M. E. MEDINA-MORA ; Trends and evolution of drug use in adolescents of Mexico city: 1989-1997 (15-18 Dec. 1998; Miami) ; FLEIZ B. C. ; NATY ALCANTAR M. E. ; ROJAS-GUIOT E. ; C. NAVARRO | 1999
CongrèsFRANÇAIS : Ce document résume les résultats issus de la dernière enquête menée dans les établissements denseignement secondaire à Mexico en 1997. Létude fait partie intégrante de la série denquêtes entreprises par lInstitut Mexicain de Psychiat[...]
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; Update of the epidemiologic surveillance system of addiction (SISVEA) in Mexico (12-15 December 2000; San Francisco) ; P. CRAVIOTO ; P. PKURI ; A. REVUELTA ; M. CORTES ; B. DE LA ROSA | 2001
CongrèsENGLISH : During the first half of 2000, SISVEA gathered data on 6,224 patients in government treatment centers (GTCs) and 3,913 patients in nongovernment treatment centers (NGCs). The data show that a majority of patients in GTCs and NGCs wer[...]
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; P. CRAVIOTO ; P. PKURI ; F. GALVAN ; B. DE LA ROSA ; 54th semiannual meeting of the CEWG (June 24-27, 2003; St Louis, Missouri) | 2004
ChapitreThis update of Mexicos Epidemiologic Surveillance System of Addictions covers information from treatment centers, juvenile detention centers, and medical examiners reported for the year 2002. Among 18,070 patients treated in government treatment[...]
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; Update of the epidemiologic surveillance system of addictions (SISVEA) in Mexico (13-16 June 2000; Baltimore) ; P. CRAVIOTO ; P. PKURI ; A. REVUELTA ; M. CORTES ; B. DE LA ROSA | 2000
CongrèsENGLISH : SISVEA data gathered on 12,346 patients in government treatment centers (GTCs) and 9,131 patients in non-government treatment centers (NGCs) in 1999 show that most patients were multiple drug users. For example, among GTC patients (3[...]
Mexicos Epidemiologic Surveillance System of Addictions gathered data on 9,650 patients at govern-ment treatment centers (GTCs) and 19,707 patients in nongovernment treatment centers (NGCs) in the first half of 2003. During that timeframe, 23.1 [...]
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; P. CRAVIOTO ; P. PKURI ; A. REVUELTA ; M. CORTES ; 46th semiannual meeting of the CEWG (June 8-11, 1999; Vancouver, BC, Canada) | 1999
ChapitreFRANÇAIS : Le SISVEA (The Mexican Epidemiologic Surveillance System of Addictions : Système Mexicain de Surveillance Epidémiologique des Pharmacodépendances) opère dans 20 villes dispersées sur le territoire mexicain et implique un vaste résea[...]![]()
Update of the epidemiologic surveillance system of addictions (SISVEA) Mexico: January-December 2000
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; Update of the epidemiologic surveillance system of addictions (SISVEA) Mexico: January-December 2000 (12-15 June 2001; Rockville) ; P. CRAVIOTO ; P. PKURI ; F. GALVAN ; B. DE LA ROSA | 2001
CongrèsENGLISH : Data from border cities show increases in the abuse of cocaine. Marijuana and alcohol abuse continue to be major problems. In 2000, 43.1 percent of patients in government treatment centers (GTCs) and 25.3 percent of those in nongover[...]
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; Update of the epidemiologic surveillance system of addictions (SISVEA) Mexico: January-June 2001 (11-14 December 2001; San Diego) ; P. CRAVIOTO ; P. PKURI ; F. GALVAN ; B. DE LA ROSA | 2002
CongrèsENGLISH : Data for this report were gathered through Mexico's Epidemiologic Surveillance System of Addictions from treatment centers, juvenile detention centers, and medical examiners for the first half of 2001. Among 5,905 patients in governm[...]
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; Update of the epidemiologic surveillance system of addictions (SISVEA) of Mexico: 2001) (11-14 June 2002; Philadelphia) ; P. CRAVIOTO ; P. PKURI ; F. GALVAN ; B. DE LA ROSA | 2003
CongrèsENGLISH : Data for this report were gathered through Mexico's Epidemiologic Surveillance System of Addictions from treatment centers, juvenile detention centers, and medical examiners in 2001. Among 9,474 patients in government treatment cente[...]
R. TAPIA-CONYER ; CEWG, Organisateur de réunion ; P. CRAVIOTO ; Update of the epidemiological surveillance system of addictions (SISVEA) in Mexico (14-17 Dec. 1999; Los Angeles) ; P. PKURI ; A. REVUELTA ; M. CORTES | 2000
CongrèsFRANÇAIS : Les données recueillies à partir de 6.678 patients en centres de soins gouvernementaux (CSG) au Mexique au cours du premier semestre de 1999 révèlent que 24,2 % dentre eux déclaraient avoir consommé de la marijuana comme drogue princ[...]
J. DAVEY ; Upping and downing in down under: patterns and trends in Queensland and Australia (13-16 June 2000; Baltimore) ; A. DAVIES | 2000
CongrèsENGLISH : Heroin is highly available in Australia. Heroin prices continue to fall, while purity continues to increase. Agencies report increases in heroin use among younger and more mainstream youth. Opioid mortality has doubled over the last [...]
S. MURPHY ; What exactly is a heroin overdose ? (12-15 December 2000; San Francisco) ; T. MURPHY ; P. SALES ; M. DUTERTE | 2001
CongrèsENGLISH : In this presentation we report selected findings from a NIDA-funded study of new heroin users. Using a combination of ethnographic methods and social survey techniques, this study examines the initiation and continuation of heroin us[...]