Éditeur NIDA
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (117)

C. D. H. PARRY ; Southern African development community epidemiology network on drug use (SENDU): year 1 (12-15 June 2001; Rockville) ; PLUDDEMANN A. ; A. BHANA | 2001
CongrèsENGLISH : The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional Drug Control Programme makes provision for the establishment of a regional drug surveillance network (SADC Epidemiology Network on Drug Use - SENDU) in the 14 SADC member Sta[...]
V. NAVARATNAM ; A study of amphetamine-type substance users in Penang, Malaysia: preliminary findings (12-15 December 2000; San Francisco) ; B. VICKNASINGAM | 2001
CongrèsENGLISH : The abuse of amphetamine-type substances (ATS) is increasing in Malaysia, as in other parts of Asia. Interviews with 70 randomly selected arrestees who tested ATS-positive showed that nearly 93 percent were male and 87 percent were C[...]
A. FUTTERMAN-COLLIER ; CEWG, Organisateur de réunion ; LYMAN A. ; A summary of the substance abuse needs assessment in the Republic of Palau (14-17 Dec. 1999; Los Angeles) | 2000
CongrèsFRANÇAIS : Le Ministère de la Santé des Palaos a entrepris une évaluation de la situation en termes d'abus de substances toxiques en 1997. Une méthodologie informationnelle clé a été appliquée pour recueillir des données concernant 802 sujets,[...]
The term "bath salts" refers to an emerging family of drugs containing one or more synthetic chemicals related to cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant found naturally in the Khat plant. Reports of severe intoxication and dangerous health ef[...]
Drug abuse indicators point to a dramatic increase in the production, distribution, and abuse of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) in Thailand. The first stimulant abuse epidemic occurred in the late 1970s, concurrent with the second wave of a h[...]
This paper provides an overview of the Canadian Community Epidemiological Network on Drug Use (CCENDU), which monitors drug use and adverse consequences of drug use at the community level. Recent findings from six reporting sites and national tr[...]![]()
TRAVERS C. G. ; The DEA heroin signature and domestic monitor programs (11-14 June 2002; Philadelphia) | 2003
CongrèsENGLISH : The Intelligence Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has two programs that rely on the heroin signature analysis performed at the DEA Special Testing and Research Laboratory: the Heroin Signature Program (HSP) and t[...]
PACH A. ; The impact of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on drug users in Washington, DC (11-14 June 2002; Philadelphia) ; J. BROWN | 2003
CongrèsENGLISH : An ethnographic, rapid assessment of the impact of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks explored the effects of the attacks on the emotional responses of current drug users and drug treatment clients in Washington, DC; on change[...]
C. A. DELL ; 54th semiannual meeting of the CEWG (June 24-27, 2003; St Louis, Missouri) | 2004
ChapitreChaired by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, Canadas national addictions agency, the CCENDU is a multilevel collaborative drug surveillance project. CCENDU collects, analyzes, and disseminates quantitative and qualitative information on dr[...]
This guide provides an overview of drug abuse and addiction, details of the health effects of commonly abused drugs, a glossary, and lists of resources for statistics, breaking news on research advances, and advocacy programs.
Ce manuel offre conseil et assistance, étape par étape pour planifier, développer et installer des programmes de prévention de proximité efficaces chez les usagers de drogues qui ne sont pas en traitement. Une synthèse est faite des meilleures p[...]
A. BHANA ; The South African community epidemiology network on drug use (SACENDU): findings, implications and future directions (13-16 June 2000; Baltimore) ; C. D. H. PARRY | 2000
CongrèsENGLISH : Multisource data were collected in Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth (PE), and Gauteng Province (Johannesburg and Pretoria) from July to December 1999 (Phase 7 of the SACENDU Project). As in Phases 1-6, alcohol was the most frequentl[...]
C. D. H. PARRY ; A. BHANA ; PLUDDEMANN A. ; 46th semiannual meeting of the CEWG (June 8-11, 1999; Vancouver, BC, Canada) | 1999
ChapitreFRANÇAIS : Au cours de la phase 5 (juillet à décembre 1998) du projet SACENDU (South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use : Réseau d'Epidémiologie Communautaire Sud-Africain sur la Consommation des Drogues), des données émanant d[...]
MOROJELE N. K. ; CEWG, Organisateur de réunion ; C. D. H. PARRY ; The south African community epidemiology network on drug use (SACENDU) (15-18 Dec. 1998; Miami) ; A. BHANA ; FLISHER A. J. | 1999
ChapitreFRANÇAIS : Les données de la phase IV du projet SACENDU ont été recueillies à Durban, Le Cap, Port Elizabeth et dans la Province du Gauteng entre janvier et juin 1998. Lalcool est toujours la principale drogue consommée dans tous les sites. Le [...]