Éditeur NIDA
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (117)

Le rapport donne les résultats 2004 de l'enquête auprès des élèves de 4ème, de seconde et de terminale. Les résultats portent sur les consommations de drogues licites et illicites mais aussi sur les niveaux de perceptions des risques associés à [...]
FRANÇAIS : Le rapport donne les résultats 2005 de l'enquête auprès des élèves de 4ème, de seconde et de terminale. Les résultats portent sur les consommations de drogues licites et illicites mais aussi sur les niveaux de perceptions des risque[...]
FRANÇAIS : Le rapport donne les résultats de l'enquête de 2006 auprès des élèves de 4ème, de seconde et de terminale. Les résultats portent sur les consommations de drogues licites et illicites mais aussi sur les niveaux de perceptions des ris[...]
Monitoring the Futures main data collection involves a series of large, annual surveys of nationally representative samples of public and private secondary school students throughout the coterminous United States. Every year since 1975, a nation[...]
Since 1975, the Monitoring the Future project has provided the nation with an important window through which to view these problems and thus gain a better understanding of their changing nature and some of the dynamics that explain them. This se[...]
The follow-up samples in Monitoring the Future provide very good coverage of the national college student population since 1980. College students tend to be a difficult population to study. They generally are not well covered in normal household[...]
In 2004 the Monitoring the Future study marked its 30th year of conducting national surveys of substance use among American young people. Beginning with the first survey of high school seniors in 1975, the study has provided the nation with a wi[...]
This volume - the second in a two-volume set from the Monitoring the Future study - provides findings on the substance use and related behaviors of several segments of the adult population. It also contains findings on attitudes and beliefs abou[...]
Two of the major topics included in this series of annual reports are (a) the prevalence and frequency of drug use among American secondary school students (specifically, in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades) and (b) historical trends in use by student[...]
The period of young adulthood (here defined as late teens to age 30) is particularly important because it has tended to be the period of peak use for many drugs. The Monitoring the Future study design calls for biennial follow-ups - through age [...]
Two of the major topics included in this series of annual reports are (a) the prevalence and frequency of drug use among American secondary school students (specifically, in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades) and (b) historical trends in use by student[...]
Now in its 32nd year, the study is comprised of several ongoing series of annual surveys of nationally representative samples of 8th- and 10th-grade students (begun in 1991), 12th-grade students (begun in 1975), and adults (begun in 1976). As we[...]
545-page monograph giving the 1975-2003 national trends in smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use among American secondary school students. It provides a much more in-depth treatment than the Overview of Key Findings, covering subgroup differen[...]
This is the second volume in a two-volume set, presenting findings from the Monitoring the Future study. The first volume presents findings from American secondary students in grades 8, 10, and 12. This second volume contains findings from Ameri[...]