Bulletin de Périodique
International Journal of Drug Policy , Vol.133 - November 2024
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- Financial incentives to increase engagement across the hepatitis C care cascade among people at risk of or diagnosed with hepatitis C: A systematic review. Shen C., Dawe J., Traeger M.W., Sacks-Davis R., Pedrana A.E., Doyle J.S., et al., art. 104562.
- Regressive policing, a return to the war on drugs, and the need for qualitative and ethnographic policy evaluations. Aronowitz S.V., Reed M.K., art. 104565.
- Barriers and facilitators to implementing CareConnect: A telehealth, low-barrier buprenorphine bridge clinic in Philadelphia. Aronowitz S.V., Holliday-Davis M., French R., Suhail-Sindhu S., O'Donnell N., Perrone J., et al., art. 104569.
- The use of health utility in cost-utility analysis: A systematic review in substance use disorders. Tran A.D., Zhan X., Vinzent A., Flood L., Bai T., Gallagher E., et al., art. 104570.
- Psychedelics as a tool for a more connected and sustainable world? Considering the importance of rituals, boundaries, and commitment. Anderson K., Elf P., Isham A., art. 104571.
- Naloxone cascade of care among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia, 2020-2022. Akhurst J., Price O., Sutherland R., Gibbs D., Dietze P., Bruno R., et al., art. 104572.
- "It should be hard to be a drug abuser" An evaluation of the criminalization of drug use in Sweden. Stenström A., Estrada F., Tham H., art. 104573.
- Putting the capital in recovery capital: An exploration of universal basic income and the impacts for people who use drugs in Canada. Gibson M., art. 104574.
- A mixed methods study to inform fatal overdose prevention in San Diego, California: Perspectives from people who use drugs. Bailey K., Schecter A., Eger W.H., Justin Valasek C.C.J., Strathdee S.A., Knox A., et al., art. 104577.
- A call for compassionate opioid overdose response. Russell E., Hawk M., Neale J., Bennett A.S., Davis C., Hill L.G., et al., art. 104587.
- Use of fentanyl test strips by people who inject drugs: Baseline findings from the South Atlantic Fentanyl Test Strip Study (SAFTSS). Zibbell J.E., Aldridge A., Peiper N., Clarke S.E.D., Rinderle A., Feinberg J., art. 104588.
- Synthetic opioids in Poland - A cause for concern or a media distraction? Los G., Malczewski A., art. 104595.
- Psychoanalysis and psychedelics: The censored story in Argentina. Olivieri R., Tofoli L.F., art. 104596.
- Making kin with more-than-human rights: Expert perspectives on human rights and drug policy. Seear K., Mulcahy S., art. 104597.
- Looking beyond drugs: A scoping review of recovery in the context of illicit substance use among adolescents and young adults. Eekhoudt C.R., Sandhu M., Mniszak C., Goodyear T., Turuba R., Marchand K., et al., art. 104598.
- Beyond the 5-year recovery mark: Perspectives of researchers with lived and living experience on public engagement and discourse. Cioffi C.C., Flinn R.E., Pasman E., Gannon K., Gold D., McCabe S.E., et al., art. 104599.
- Safer supply and political interference in medical practice: Alberta's Narcotics Transition Services. Wilson P., Colizza K., Hyshka E., art. 104600.
- Repurposing prescribed hydromorphone: Alternative uses of safer supply and tablet-injectable opioid agonist treatment to meet unaddressed health needs. Ivsins A., Bowles J.M., Mansoor M., Kerr T., Bardwell G., art. 104601.
- Heavy burden of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in San Francisco, 2022. Suprasert B., Tate M., McFarland W., Wilson E.C., art. 104602.
- Psychomodulatory substances: New legislative framework for control of psychoactive substances in Czechia. Mravcik V., Michailidu J., Pleva P., Lucky M., Kissova L., Voboril J., art. 104603.
- Interconnected influence: Unraveling Purdue Pharmaceutical's role in the global response to the opioid crisis. Bowra A., Perez-Brumer A., Forman L., Kohler J.C., art. 104604.
- Experiences of misuse and symptoms of dependence among people who use gabapentinoids: A qualitative systematic review. McNeilage A.G., Sim A., Nielsen S., Murnion B., Ashton-James C.E., art. 104605.
- Historical and theoretical roots of the Big Events framework. Friedman S.R., Rossi D., Perlman D.C., art. 104606.
- Access and care for people with opioid use disorder in U.S. skilled nursing facilities: A policy commentary. Nishar S., Soske J., Vanjani R., Kimmel S.D., Roma C., Dow P.M., art. 104607.
- Historic and current achievements of the temperance movement in the control of alcohol and its adverse health consequences. Dunt D., Jiang H., Room R., art. 104608.
- Prevalence and correlates of e-cigarette source and use of e-cigarettes with nicotine: A case study of Mexico, where e-cigarettes are banned. Vidana-Pérez D., Gallegos-Carrillo K., Barrientos-Gutierrez I., Cruz-Jiménez L., Rodriguez-Bolanos R., Arillo-Santillan E., et al., art. 104609.
- The Züri Can study: Can regulated cannabis sales promote lower-risk cannabis use? Mini-review and study protocol. Buschner M., Heckel N., Dürler P., Engeli E.J.E., Schneider S., Havelka E.M., et al., art. 104610.
- The intersection of substance use stigma and anti-Black racial stigma: A scoping review. Ghonasgi R., Paschke M.E., Winograd R.P., Wright C., Selph E., Banks D.E., art. 104612.
- Slamsex as slow edgework: Sexualized drug use and harm reduction in post-AIDS Taiwan. Huang P., art. 104613.
- How do relational practices co-constitute care for people who use drugs? The social and political dimensions of peer-led harm reduction. Piatkowski T., Seear K., Reeve S., Kill E., art. 104614.
- Trends in alcohol expenditure among risky drinkers: A population study in England, 2014-2023. Jackson S., Oldham M., Angus C., Garnett C., Wilson L., Holmes J., et al., art. 104615.
- Predictors of treatment outcomes for Hepatitis C infection in a nationwide elimination program in Iceland: The treatment as prevention for Hepatitis C (TraP HepC) study. Olafsson S., Love T.J., Fridriksdottir R.H., Tyrfingsson T., Runarsdottir V., Hansdottir I., et al., art. 104616.
- Publics in local media reporting on harm reduction: Rightfully worried local witnesses or uneducated obstacles to change. Winter K., Mansson J., art. 104619.
- 2S/LGBTQ+ youth substance use and pathways to homelessness: A photovoice study. Goodyear T., Jenkins E., Oliffe J.L., Fast D., Kia H., Knight R., art. 104621.
- Perceived patient navigator services and characteristics to address barriers to linkage to hepatitis C care among people released from provincial prison in Quebec, Canada. Kronfli N., Mambro A., Riback L.R., Ortiz-Paredes D., Dussault C., Chalifoux S., et al., art. 104624.
- Financial incentives to increase engagement across the hepatitis C care cascade among people at risk of or diagnosed with hepatitis C: A systematic review. Shen C., Dawe J., Traeger M.W., Sacks-Davis R., Pedrana A.E., Doyle J.S., et al., art. 104562.
- Regressive policing, a return to the war on drugs, and the need for qualitative and ethnographic policy evaluations. Aronowitz S.V., Reed M.K., art. 104565.
- Barriers and facilitators to implementing CareConnect: A telehealth, low-barrier buprenorphine bridge clinic in Philadelphia. Aronowitz S.V., Holliday-Davis M., French R., Suhail-Sindhu S., O'Donnell N., Perrone J., et al., art. 104569.
- The use of health utility in cost-utility analysis: A systematic review in substance use disorders. Tran A.D., Zhan X., Vinzent A., Flood L., Bai T., Gallagher E., et al., art. 104570.
- Psychedelics as a tool for a more connected and sustainable world? Considering the importance of rituals, boundaries, and commitment. Anderson K., Elf P., Isham A., art. 104571.
- Naloxone cascade of care among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia, 2020-2022. Akhurst J., Price O., Sutherland R., Gibbs D., Dietze P., Bruno R., et al., art. 104572.
- "It should be hard to be a drug abuser" An evaluation of the criminalization of drug use in Sweden. Stenström A., Estrada F., Tham H., art. 104573.
- Putting the capital in recovery capital: An exploration of universal basic income and the impacts for people who use drugs in Canada. Gibson M., art. 104574.
- A mixed methods study to inform fatal overdose prevention in San Diego, California: Perspectives from people who use drugs. Bailey K., Schecter A., Eger W.H., Justin Valasek C.C.J., Strathdee S.A., Knox A., et al., art. 104577.
- A call for compassionate opioid overdose response. Russell E., Hawk M., Neale J., Bennett A.S., Davis C., Hill L.G., et al., art. 104587.
- Use of fentanyl test strips by people who inject drugs: Baseline findings from the South Atlantic Fentanyl Test Strip Study (SAFTSS). Zibbell J.E., Aldridge A., Peiper N., Clarke S.E.D., Rinderle A., Feinberg J., art. 104588.
- Synthetic opioids in Poland - A cause for concern or a media distraction? Los G., Malczewski A., art. 104595.
- Psychoanalysis and psychedelics: The censored story in Argentina. Olivieri R., Tofoli L.F., art. 104596.
- Making kin with more-than-human rights: Expert perspectives on human rights and drug policy. Seear K., Mulcahy S., art. 104597.
- Looking beyond drugs: A scoping review of recovery in the context of illicit substance use among adolescents and young adults. Eekhoudt C.R., Sandhu M., Mniszak C., Goodyear T., Turuba R., Marchand K., et al., art. 104598.
- Beyond the 5-year recovery mark: Perspectives of researchers with lived and living experience on public engagement and discourse. Cioffi C.C., Flinn R.E., Pasman E., Gannon K., Gold D., McCabe S.E., et al., art. 104599.
- Safer supply and political interference in medical practice: Alberta's Narcotics Transition Services. Wilson P., Colizza K., Hyshka E., art. 104600.
- Repurposing prescribed hydromorphone: Alternative uses of safer supply and tablet-injectable opioid agonist treatment to meet unaddressed health needs. Ivsins A., Bowles J.M., Mansoor M., Kerr T., Bardwell G., art. 104601.
- Heavy burden of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in San Francisco, 2022. Suprasert B., Tate M., McFarland W., Wilson E.C., art. 104602.
- Psychomodulatory substances: New legislative framework for control of psychoactive substances in Czechia. Mravcik V., Michailidu J., Pleva P., Lucky M., Kissova L., Voboril J., art. 104603.
- Interconnected influence: Unraveling Purdue Pharmaceutical's role in the global response to the opioid crisis. Bowra A., Perez-Brumer A., Forman L., Kohler J.C., art. 104604.
- Experiences of misuse and symptoms of dependence among people who use gabapentinoids: A qualitative systematic review. McNeilage A.G., Sim A., Nielsen S., Murnion B., Ashton-James C.E., art. 104605.
- Historical and theoretical roots of the Big Events framework. Friedman S.R., Rossi D., Perlman D.C., art. 104606.
- Access and care for people with opioid use disorder in U.S. skilled nursing facilities: A policy commentary. Nishar S., Soske J., Vanjani R., Kimmel S.D., Roma C., Dow P.M., art. 104607.
- Historic and current achievements of the temperance movement in the control of alcohol and its adverse health consequences. Dunt D., Jiang H., Room R., art. 104608.
- Prevalence and correlates of e-cigarette source and use of e-cigarettes with nicotine: A case study of Mexico, where e-cigarettes are banned. Vidana-Pérez D., Gallegos-Carrillo K., Barrientos-Gutierrez I., Cruz-Jiménez L., Rodriguez-Bolanos R., Arillo-Santillan E., et al., art. 104609.
- The Züri Can study: Can regulated cannabis sales promote lower-risk cannabis use? Mini-review and study protocol. Buschner M., Heckel N., Dürler P., Engeli E.J.E., Schneider S., Havelka E.M., et al., art. 104610.
- The intersection of substance use stigma and anti-Black racial stigma: A scoping review. Ghonasgi R., Paschke M.E., Winograd R.P., Wright C., Selph E., Banks D.E., art. 104612.
- Slamsex as slow edgework: Sexualized drug use and harm reduction in post-AIDS Taiwan. Huang P., art. 104613.
- How do relational practices co-constitute care for people who use drugs? The social and political dimensions of peer-led harm reduction. Piatkowski T., Seear K., Reeve S., Kill E., art. 104614.
- Trends in alcohol expenditure among risky drinkers: A population study in England, 2014-2023. Jackson S., Oldham M., Angus C., Garnett C., Wilson L., Holmes J., et al., art. 104615.
- Predictors of treatment outcomes for Hepatitis C infection in a nationwide elimination program in Iceland: The treatment as prevention for Hepatitis C (TraP HepC) study. Olafsson S., Love T.J., Fridriksdottir R.H., Tyrfingsson T., Runarsdottir V., Hansdottir I., et al., art. 104616.
- Publics in local media reporting on harm reduction: Rightfully worried local witnesses or uneducated obstacles to change. Winter K., Mansson J., art. 104619.
- 2S/LGBTQ+ youth substance use and pathways to homelessness: A photovoice study. Goodyear T., Jenkins E., Oliffe J.L., Fast D., Kia H., Knight R., art. 104621.
- Perceived patient navigator services and characteristics to address barriers to linkage to hepatitis C care among people released from provincial prison in Quebec, Canada. Kronfli N., Mambro A., Riback L.R., Ortiz-Paredes D., Dussault C., Chalifoux S., et al., art. 104624.
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Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Background: Drug use was criminalized in Sweden in 1988 with aim of reducing the number of consumers and drug-related risks and harms. Imprisonment was introduced into the penalty scale in 1993 to improve the legislation's effectivenes[...]
G. LOS ;
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Background: The North American continent has been battling a major health crisis defined by opioids like OxyContin and fentanyl for over two decades now. In that time, it seemed that Europe is rather resilient to a similar problem, and heroin re[...]
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Background: Despite extensive literature exploring the harms associated with illicit substance use among young people who use drugs (YPWUD), the concept of "recovery" among this population has received significantly less attention. Addressing th[...]
A. SIM ;
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Background: Gabapentinoids are among the most widely prescribed pain medications worldwide. However, there is growing evidence of harms associated with their use. The aim of this study was to systematically review and synthesise qualitative rese[...]
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.133, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Background and Aims: Recreational use of cannabis is illegal in most countries. Despite this, it is the third most commonly used psychoactive substance worldwide. As a result of this discrepancy, a growing number of countries have begun to reass[...]