Article de Périodique
Contribution of health motive to cannabis use among high-school students (2017)
Auteur(s) :
BECK, C. ;
Année :
Page(s) :
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Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Discipline :
PSY (Psychopathologie / Psychopathology)
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Résumé :
The Marijuana Motives Measure (MMM), which is derived from a scale measuring alcohol use motives, has been the main instrument used to explore the role of motives in cannabis use and related problems. Two studies attempted to developed specific cannabis use motives but none of them showed a unique association to cannabis use and problems when controlling for MMM motives. The aim of our study was to examine if additional motives contributed to problematic use beyond MMM motives and psychopathological symptoms. Participants were 249 high-school students who completed the Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R) assessing cannabis use and problematic use, the MMM and a new scale measuring motives derived from clinical experience with adolescents using cannabis (CED motives), and scales measuring anxiety and depressive symptoms and borderline personality traits. Among the 107 participants using cannabis, 39 reached the cut-off score for problematic cannabis use. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses controlling for psychopathological variables showed that only one CED motives, Health (sleep, form, energy, appetite, health), was a significant predictor of both frequency of use and problematic use symptoms. The importance of Health motive may be linked to the role of depressive symptoms and may have implication for treatment. We suggest to add the Health subscale to the MMM and to further study the role of health motive in both use and dependence.
The role of health motive has not yet been studied in cannabis use.
Cannabis use motives were assessed in a sample of high-school students.
Health was the only motive uniquely and positively related to problematic use.
The importance of health motive may have implication for treatment.
We suggest to add health motive to cannabis motives measures.
The role of health motive has not yet been studied in cannabis use.
Cannabis use motives were assessed in a sample of high-school students.
Health was the only motive uniquely and positively related to problematic use.
The importance of health motive may have implication for treatment.
We suggest to add health motive to cannabis motives measures.
Affiliation :
Université de Toulouse, France