Article de Périodique
Le rôle du pharmacien dans la réduction des risques (2016)
(The central place of the pharmacist in management of harm reduction)
Auteur(s) :
Article en page(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Thésaurus géographique
Thésaurus mots-clés
Résumé :
Les stratégies de réduction des risques (RdR) se sont progressivement mises en place à la fin des années 1980 en France, et le pharmacien y était en première ligne, avec la vente libre des seringues, application du décret Barzach, en 1987, qui suspendait l'interdiction de vendre les seringues sans ordonnance. Suivra un ensemble d'actions et de missions que le pharmacien officinal a su intégrer à la pratique quotidienne de son exercice.
La loi Hôpital, patients, santé, territoires (HPST), publiée au Journal officiel le 22 juillet 2009, la nouvelle convention pharmaceutique signée en 2012 et le code de la déontologie concordent à placer le pharmacien comme acteur de santé à part entière auprès de la population et des usagers de drogues, jouant ainsi un rôle dans les actions de RdR.
Harm reduction strategies aim to reduce harmful behaviors and consequences for drug users, and more specifically for injecting drug users. All the devices concerning this public health policy were considerably diversified since its beginnings in France, at the end of the 80's. The strategies of harm reduction include both material devices and medical, social and psychological support of the concerned population.
As health professional, the pharmacist has a privileged place, while he delivers syringes, kits for a sterile injection, or other tools for drug users, and also opiate substitution treatments for people supported medically. Thus, he has to inform drug users by giving them advices to improve their practices, and he has also to supervise the patients’ compliance to their treatments. He also needs to establish a relying relation with his patients to ensure they go on being treated for their addiction.
To help the pharmacist in these tasks, it exists different practical tools like pharmaceutical folder and pharmaceutical interviews. The pharmacist can also choose to integrate a specifically medical network to improve the support of his patients.
Les stratégies de réduction des risques (RdR) se sont progressivement mises en place à la fin des années 1980 en France, et le pharmacien y était en première ligne, avec la vente libre des seringues, application du décret Barzach, en 1987, qui suspendait l'interdiction de vendre les seringues sans ordonnance. Suivra un ensemble d'actions et de missions que le pharmacien officinal a su intégrer à la pratique quotidienne de son exercice.
La loi Hôpital, patients, santé, territoires (HPST), publiée au Journal officiel le 22 juillet 2009, la nouvelle convention pharmaceutique signée en 2012 et le code de la déontologie concordent à placer le pharmacien comme acteur de santé à part entière auprès de la population et des usagers de drogues, jouant ainsi un rôle dans les actions de RdR.
Harm reduction strategies aim to reduce harmful behaviors and consequences for drug users, and more specifically for injecting drug users. All the devices concerning this public health policy were considerably diversified since its beginnings in France, at the end of the 80's. The strategies of harm reduction include both material devices and medical, social and psychological support of the concerned population.
As health professional, the pharmacist has a privileged place, while he delivers syringes, kits for a sterile injection, or other tools for drug users, and also opiate substitution treatments for people supported medically. Thus, he has to inform drug users by giving them advices to improve their practices, and he has also to supervise the patients’ compliance to their treatments. He also needs to establish a relying relation with his patients to ensure they go on being treated for their addiction.
To help the pharmacist in these tasks, it exists different practical tools like pharmaceutical folder and pharmaceutical interviews. The pharmacist can also choose to integrate a specifically medical network to improve the support of his patients.
Affiliation :
Pharmacien d'officine, Paris, France