Article de Périodique
All-cause mortality among individuals with disorders related to the use of methamphetamine: A comparative cohort study (2012)
Auteur(s) :
Article en page(s) :
Domaine :
Autres substances / Other substances ; Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
EPI (Epidémiologie / Epidemiology)
Thésaurus géographique
Thésaurus mots-clés
Résumé :
Cette étude a comparé les taux de mortalité parmi les usagers de différentes drogues. Il en ressort que les consommateurs réguliers d'opioïdes et de méthamphétamine ont un risque de décès plus élevé que les consommateurs de cannabis, alcool et cocaïne.
L'étude s'est appuyée sur des cohortes d'individus hospitalisés en Californie de 1990 à 2005. Ont ainsi été suivis durant 16 ans :
• 74.139 consommateurs de méthamphétamine,
• 582.771 consommateurs d'alcool,
• 67.104 consommateurs d'opiacés,
• 46.548 consommateurs de cannabis,
• 48.927 consommateurs de cocaïne,
Les conclusions de l'étude :
• Les usagers d'opioïdes ont un risque de décès 5,71 fois plus élevé que des personnes en bonne santé du même âge et sexe.
• Les consommateurs de méthamphétamine ont un risque 4,67 fois plus élevé,
• Les consommateurs de cannabis : 3,85
• Les consommateurs d'alcool : 3,83
• Les consommateurs de cocaïne : 2,96
[Résumé ANPAA]
Background: Understanding the mortality rate of methamphetamine users, especially in relation to other drug users, is a core component of any evaluation of methamphetamine-related harms. Although methamphetamine abuse has had a major impact on United States (US) drug policy and substance-abuse treatment utilization, large-scale cohort studies assessing methamphetamine-related mortality are lacking.
Methods: The current study identified cohorts of individuals hospitalized in California from 1990 to 2005 with ICD-9 diagnoses of methamphetamine- (n = 74,139), alcohol- (n = 582,771), opioid- (n = 67,104), cannabis- (n = 46,548), or cocaine-related disorders (n = 48,927), and these groups were followed for up to 16 years. Age-, sex-, and race-adjusted standardized mortality rates (SMRs) were generated.
Results: The methamphetamine cohort had a higher SMR (4.67, 95% CI 4.53, 4.82) than did users of cocaine (2.96, 95% CI 2.87, 3.05), alcohol (3.83, 95% CI 3.81, 3.85), and cannabis (3.85, 95% CI 3.67, 4.03), but lower than opioid users (5.71, 95% CI 5.60, 5.81).
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that individuals with methamphetamine-use disorders have a higher mortality risk than those with diagnoses related to cannabis, cocaine, or alcohol, but lower mortality risk than persons with opioid-related disorders. Given the lack of long-term cohort studies of mortality risk among individuals with methamphetamine-related disorders, as well as among those with cocaine- or cannabis-related conditions, the current study provides important information for the assessment of the comparative drug-related burden associated with methamphetamine use.
Cette étude a comparé les taux de mortalité parmi les usagers de différentes drogues. Il en ressort que les consommateurs réguliers d'opioïdes et de méthamphétamine ont un risque de décès plus élevé que les consommateurs de cannabis, alcool et cocaïne.
L'étude s'est appuyée sur des cohortes d'individus hospitalisés en Californie de 1990 à 2005. Ont ainsi été suivis durant 16 ans :
• 74.139 consommateurs de méthamphétamine,
• 582.771 consommateurs d'alcool,
• 67.104 consommateurs d'opiacés,
• 46.548 consommateurs de cannabis,
• 48.927 consommateurs de cocaïne,
Les conclusions de l'étude :
• Les usagers d'opioïdes ont un risque de décès 5,71 fois plus élevé que des personnes en bonne santé du même âge et sexe.
• Les consommateurs de méthamphétamine ont un risque 4,67 fois plus élevé,
• Les consommateurs de cannabis : 3,85
• Les consommateurs d'alcool : 3,83
• Les consommateurs de cocaïne : 2,96
[Résumé ANPAA]
Background: Understanding the mortality rate of methamphetamine users, especially in relation to other drug users, is a core component of any evaluation of methamphetamine-related harms. Although methamphetamine abuse has had a major impact on United States (US) drug policy and substance-abuse treatment utilization, large-scale cohort studies assessing methamphetamine-related mortality are lacking.
Methods: The current study identified cohorts of individuals hospitalized in California from 1990 to 2005 with ICD-9 diagnoses of methamphetamine- (n = 74,139), alcohol- (n = 582,771), opioid- (n = 67,104), cannabis- (n = 46,548), or cocaine-related disorders (n = 48,927), and these groups were followed for up to 16 years. Age-, sex-, and race-adjusted standardized mortality rates (SMRs) were generated.
Results: The methamphetamine cohort had a higher SMR (4.67, 95% CI 4.53, 4.82) than did users of cocaine (2.96, 95% CI 2.87, 3.05), alcohol (3.83, 95% CI 3.81, 3.85), and cannabis (3.85, 95% CI 3.67, 4.03), but lower than opioid users (5.71, 95% CI 5.60, 5.81).
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that individuals with methamphetamine-use disorders have a higher mortality risk than those with diagnoses related to cannabis, cocaine, or alcohol, but lower mortality risk than persons with opioid-related disorders. Given the lack of long-term cohort studies of mortality risk among individuals with methamphetamine-related disorders, as well as among those with cocaine- or cannabis-related conditions, the current study provides important information for the assessment of the comparative drug-related burden associated with methamphetamine use.
Affiliation :
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Social, Epidemiological Research Department, Toronto, Ontario, Canada