Assessment of cannabis craving using the Marijuana Craving Questionnaire
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Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
PRO (Produits, mode d'action, méthode de dépistage / Substances, action mode, screening methods)
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Résumé :
Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States, with 14.6 million current users. Cannabis-dependent individuals presenting for treatment typically report cannabis craving; however, the phenomenon has received little research attention. In the absence of a valid, multidimensional questionnaire to assess cannabis craving, we developed the Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (MCQ). The MCQ consists of four constructs or factors that characterize cannabis craving: compulsivity, emotionality, expectancy, and purposefulness. A separate score is calculated for each factor. The MCQ can be used to measure cue-elicited craving in a research setting or natural craving in cannabis-dependent individuals presenting for treatment. Either the 47-item or 12-item version can be used, and standardized instructions for completion of the MCQ should be given. The MCQ can be administered using a paper and pencil form or a computerized version. In a research setting, the MCQ should be administered immediately after cue presentation and repeated frequently to capture the full time course. In a treatment setting, the MCQ should be administered at intake and during and at the end of treatment.
Affiliation :
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA
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