A counterdrug research and development blueprint update
Auteur(s) :
ONDCP (Office of National Drug Control Policy)
Année :
Page(s) :
52 p.
Langue(s) :
Éditeur(s) :
Washington, DC : ONDCP
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Discipline :
SAN (Santé publique / Public health)
Thésaurus géographique
Thésaurus mots-clés
Résumé :
The national counterdrug R&D program supports the National Drug Control Strategy. The 1996 strategy sets forth major FY 1997 program and budget initiatives supporting five principal goals:
Goal #1: motivating youth to reject illegal drugs and substance abuse,
Goal #2: increasing the safety of America's citizens by substantially reducing drug-related crime and violence,
Goal #3: reducing health, welfare and crime costs resulting from illegal drug use,
Goal #4: shielding America's air, land and sea frontiers from the drug threat, and
Goal #5: breaking foreign and domestic sources of supply.
The Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center (CTAC) within the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is the central counterdrug enforcement research and development (R&D) organization of the U. S. Government and has been coordinating the national counterdrug enforcement R&D program since 1992. CTAC also has supported drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation research since 1993.
CTAC's mission is to advance technologies that support the national goals by improving the effectiveness of law enforcement, drug interdiction and substance abuse treatment research. To accomplish this, CTAC provides leadership to and coordination among 21 Federal agencies participating in the national counterdrug R&D program.
CTAC prepares periodic reports to Congress entitled "Blueprints" to provide updates on the national counterdrug R&D program. This is the fourth Counterdrug R&D Blueprint Update.
Goal #1: motivating youth to reject illegal drugs and substance abuse,
Goal #2: increasing the safety of America's citizens by substantially reducing drug-related crime and violence,
Goal #3: reducing health, welfare and crime costs resulting from illegal drug use,
Goal #4: shielding America's air, land and sea frontiers from the drug threat, and
Goal #5: breaking foreign and domestic sources of supply.
The Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center (CTAC) within the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is the central counterdrug enforcement research and development (R&D) organization of the U. S. Government and has been coordinating the national counterdrug enforcement R&D program since 1992. CTAC also has supported drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation research since 1993.
CTAC's mission is to advance technologies that support the national goals by improving the effectiveness of law enforcement, drug interdiction and substance abuse treatment research. To accomplish this, CTAC provides leadership to and coordination among 21 Federal agencies participating in the national counterdrug R&D program.
CTAC prepares periodic reports to Congress entitled "Blueprints" to provide updates on the national counterdrug R&D program. This is the fourth Counterdrug R&D Blueprint Update.
Affiliation :