Article de Périodique
Psychosocial and toxicological profile of drug misuse in male army conscripts in Kuwait (1992)
(Profil psychosociologique et toxicologique de l'abus de drogue chez des conscrits masculins au Koweit)
Auteur(s) :
BILAL, A. M. ;
Année :
Page(s) :
Langue(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Thésaurus mots-clés
Thésaurus géographique
Résumé :
Le changement social dans le golfe persique est associé à l'émergence de comportements jugés culturellement déviants comme l'abus de drogue. Pour l'auteur, la tradition islamique joue un rôle important dans le façonnement des comportements humains et constitue une protection contre de tels changements. Cependant, il préconise pour ce type de dépistage de masse et de population, l'emploi de méthodes cliniques et toxicologiques plutôt que les tests psychosociologiques comme le D.A.S.T, trop compromettant au regard de la loi religieuse et pouvant de ce fait fausser ces résultats. [Résumé Toxibase]
The pattern of drug use among 2183 young Kuwaiti conscripts was studied using the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) and urine analysis. Drug misuse rates were low, compared with similar set-ups elsewhere as independently confirmed by urine test (0.7% amphetamine and 2.8% other street drugs; alcohol was not detected in this sample) and self-report (7.9% on DAST). This may be attributed to the influence of the Islamic traditions on lifestyles. Significant correlations were seen between self-report of multiple drug use and positive urine results for both amphetamine and other street drugs, while positive urine amphetamine was associated with families seeking help for treatment, problems with family and/or work and having or being hospitalized for drug-related medical problems. Amphetamine as the major identified individual misused drug was significantly associated with older age group but negatively correlated with marital status, higher education and employment. The discrepancy between self-report of drug misuse-related problems and objective proof of this may reflect the inappropriateness of some of DAST items to this sample, culturally desired responses or both.
Le changement social dans le golfe persique est associé à l'émergence de comportements jugés culturellement déviants comme l'abus de drogue. Pour l'auteur, la tradition islamique joue un rôle important dans le façonnement des comportements humains et constitue une protection contre de tels changements. Cependant, il préconise pour ce type de dépistage de masse et de population, l'emploi de méthodes cliniques et toxicologiques plutôt que les tests psychosociologiques comme le D.A.S.T, trop compromettant au regard de la loi religieuse et pouvant de ce fait fausser ces résultats. [Résumé Toxibase]
The pattern of drug use among 2183 young Kuwaiti conscripts was studied using the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) and urine analysis. Drug misuse rates were low, compared with similar set-ups elsewhere as independently confirmed by urine test (0.7% amphetamine and 2.8% other street drugs; alcohol was not detected in this sample) and self-report (7.9% on DAST). This may be attributed to the influence of the Islamic traditions on lifestyles. Significant correlations were seen between self-report of multiple drug use and positive urine results for both amphetamine and other street drugs, while positive urine amphetamine was associated with families seeking help for treatment, problems with family and/or work and having or being hospitalized for drug-related medical problems. Amphetamine as the major identified individual misused drug was significantly associated with older age group but negatively correlated with marital status, higher education and employment. The discrepancy between self-report of drug misuse-related problems and objective proof of this may reflect the inappropriateness of some of DAST items to this sample, culturally desired responses or both.
Affiliation :
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University
Cote :