Drug-related deaths in Ireland, 1990-2002
(Décès liés aux drogues en Irlande, 1990-2002)
Auteur(s) :
HRB (Ireland) ;
Article en page(s) :
56 p.
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
EPI (Epidémiologie / Epidemiology)
Résumé :
The data presented in this paper describe what is known about trends in drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users in Ireland between 1990 and 2002. The current and potential sources of data in Ireland on drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users are described. The analysis presented in this paper is based on data reported to the General Mortality Register (GMR) and on studies that extracted data from the coroners records, the Central Treatment List, and the AIDS surveillance system, and on an epidemic investigation. This paper will assist policy makers, service planners and public health practitioners to develop appropriate responses to the consequences of problem drug use. The main findings and their implications are: Between 1990 and 1994, there was a small but steady increase in the number of drug-related deaths, from 7 to 19, reported by the GMR in Ireland. Between 1995 and 2000, there was a substantial increase in the number of drug-related deaths, from 43 to 119, and in 2001 there was a considerable decline (to 88) in the number of deaths. In 2002, the number of drug-related deaths increased marginally (to 91) when compared to 2001. According to data from the GMR, almost all drug-related deaths between 1991 and 1994 occurred in Dublin. Between 1995 and 2000, there was a substantial increase in drug-related deaths in Dublin, from 39 to 90; and there was a steady increase in drug-related deaths outside the Dublin area, from 4 to 29. In 2001, there was a sharp decrease in the number of drug-related deaths in Dublin (to 55) and a continued increase in drug-related deaths outside Dublin (to 33 in 2001 and 35 in 2002). These data follow trends in treated problem opiate use.
Affiliation :
Drug Misuse Research Division, Health Research Borad, Dublin 2, Ireland
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