Drugging the poor. Legal and illegal drugs and social inequality
(Droguer les pauvres : drogues légales ou illégales et inégalités sociales)
Auteur(s) :
Année :
Page(s) :
293 p.
Langue(s) :
Éditeur(s) :
Long Grove, IL : Waveland Press, Inc.
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Alcool / Alcohol ; Autres substances / Other substances ; Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs ; Tabac / Tobacco / e-cigarette
Thésaurus mots-clés
Thésaurus géographique
Note générale :
Long Grove, IL, Waveland Press, Inc., 2008, 293 p.
Note de contenu :
1. The global dual drug industry and drugging the poor: Illegal and legal drug use in America / Theoretical perspective: critical medical anthropology / Drugs as commodities / Blurry boundaries between legal and illegal / Drugs and the emergent global social order / Dual wars: for and against drugs / The health effects of psychotropic drugs.
2. The nature of licit and illicit drug capitalism: One economy, two sectors / Social legitimation / Critical junctures: where the twain meet.
3. Big tobacco: an aboveground drug industry: Birth of the tobacco corporation / Seeing like a legal drug corporation / Smoke, mirrors, and the tobacco industry / Secondhand smoke's contributions to illness / Tobacco for the poor.
4. Big alcohol: an aboveground drug industry: Does big alcohol exist? / Several big players / Seeing the world as an alcohol corporation / Behind the myth making: the social costs of alcohol / Selling alcohol to the poor.
5. Global pharmaceuticals: belowground features of an aboveground industry: A rich man's world: the coming of big pharma / Strategies of the modern pharmaceutical industry / Overproduction of pharmaceuticals / Pharmaceutical street drugs.
6. The belowground illicit drug industry: Cartels or corporations? / The heroin business / Cocaine: from cottage industry to global complexity / Methamphetamine / Ecstasy and club drugs: ups and downs of the market / Seeing the world as an illicit drug corporation.
7. Drugging the poor: Cannabis and class / The social life of drugs in the everyday life of the poor / Consumption and the high-country blues / Illicit and licit drug mixing / Modulating moods / The role of drugs and the structuring of inequality / Social disparity, health inequality, and drugs.
8. The people's war on drugs: Reflections on resilience / An alternative war on drugs / Fighting illicit drug companies / La Lucha Continua.
1. The global dual drug industry and drugging the poor: Illegal and legal drug use in America / Theoretical perspective: critical medical anthropology / Drugs as commodities / Blurry boundaries between legal and illegal / Drugs and the emergent global social order / Dual wars: for and against drugs / The health effects of psychotropic drugs.
2. The nature of licit and illicit drug capitalism: One economy, two sectors / Social legitimation / Critical junctures: where the twain meet.
3. Big tobacco: an aboveground drug industry: Birth of the tobacco corporation / Seeing like a legal drug corporation / Smoke, mirrors, and the tobacco industry / Secondhand smoke's contributions to illness / Tobacco for the poor.
4. Big alcohol: an aboveground drug industry: Does big alcohol exist? / Several big players / Seeing the world as an alcohol corporation / Behind the myth making: the social costs of alcohol / Selling alcohol to the poor.
5. Global pharmaceuticals: belowground features of an aboveground industry: A rich man's world: the coming of big pharma / Strategies of the modern pharmaceutical industry / Overproduction of pharmaceuticals / Pharmaceutical street drugs.
6. The belowground illicit drug industry: Cartels or corporations? / The heroin business / Cocaine: from cottage industry to global complexity / Methamphetamine / Ecstasy and club drugs: ups and downs of the market / Seeing the world as an illicit drug corporation.
7. Drugging the poor: Cannabis and class / The social life of drugs in the everyday life of the poor / Consumption and the high-country blues / Illicit and licit drug mixing / Modulating moods / The role of drugs and the structuring of inequality / Social disparity, health inequality, and drugs.
8. The people's war on drugs: Reflections on resilience / An alternative war on drugs / Fighting illicit drug companies / La Lucha Continua.
Résumé :
Singer offers a fresh set of ideas for understanding how the global socioeconomic system insures that massive quantities of psychotropic drugs reach the poorest sectors of American society. «Drugging the Poor» provides a unified theoretical framework to assess how all drugs, including tobacco, heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and diverted pharmaceuticals contribute to maintaining social inequality among the wealthier and poorer social classes in American society. Singers analysis rejects conventional approaches that see tobacco or alcohol manufacturers and distributors, on the one hand, and drug cartels and mafias, on the other, as completely different entities. Instead, he shows how legal and illegal drug corporations share key features and follow the same economic principles. He also emphasizes that mixing legal and illegal drugs to self-medicate against social discrimination, poverty, and structural violence offers short-term relief, but in the long run, it functions to maintain an unjust and oppressive system. (Editor' s abstract)
Affiliation :
Etats-Unis. United States.
Cote :