What do opiate addicts and cigarette smokers mean by "craving" ? A pilot study
(Qu'entendent les toxicomanes aux opiacés et les fumeurs de cigarettes par "manque" ? Une étude pilote.)
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
PSY (Psychopathologie / Psychopathology)
Thésaurus mots-clés
Note générale :
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1990, 26, 85-87
Résumé :
Etude portant sur 58 sujets en sevrage de tabac ou opiacés, dont le but est de différencier les manifestations de l'état de manque chez les fumeurs et chez les toxicomanes à l'héroïne
There is general agreement that the term "craving" requires clarification. This present report presents a pilot study in which groups of opiate addicts and cigarette smokers completed a brief rating scale to describe the frequency and intensity with which they had certain feelings while craving for their own drug of dependence. Craving was reported as being a dysphoric state and opiate addicts described more frequent and more intense dysphoric feelings while craving. Despite the differences in mean scores there were some similarities in the overall profile of scores in the two groups. Implications of these findings are discussed. (Author's abstract)
Etude portant sur 58 sujets en sevrage de tabac ou opiacés, dont le but est de différencier les manifestations de l'état de manque chez les fumeurs et chez les toxicomanes à l'héroïne
There is general agreement that the term "craving" requires clarification. This present report presents a pilot study in which groups of opiate addicts and cigarette smokers completed a brief rating scale to describe the frequency and intensity with which they had certain feelings while craving for their own drug of dependence. Craving was reported as being a dysphoric state and opiate addicts described more frequent and more intense dysphoric feelings while craving. Despite the differences in mean scores there were some similarities in the overall profile of scores in the two groups. Implications of these findings are discussed. (Author's abstract)
Affiliation :
Drug Depend. Clin. Res. Treat. Unit., Bethlem Royal Maudsley Hosp., Beckenham BR3 3BX
Royaume-Uni. United Kingdom.
Royaume-Uni. United Kingdom.
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