The Mersey harm reduction model
(Le modèle "Mersey" pour réduire les dangers)
Auteur(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Note générale :
In : Prohibition and anti-prohibition of drugs, International Symposium, Brussels, 16-19 Janv. 1991, 14 p.
Résumé :
Les autorités de la région de Liverpool ont entrepris un programme de lutte contre la drogue et le SIDA qui semble efficace. Il accorde plus d'attention aux toxicomanes et aux prostituées à qui l'information relative au SIDA leur est rendue plus accessible. Tout est mis en oeuvre, notamment la coopération de la police, afin que les toxicomanes soient pris en charge et suivis personnellement. D'après des études statistiques, il semble que le programme porte déjà ses fruits, puisque les comportements toxicomaniaques et sexuels évoluent sensiblement.
Official contacts with drug users in Merseyside have increased over the last five years. Second, the efficiency of service delivery appears to be good by such indicators as exchange rates and condom uptake figures. More relevant assessments of service delivery will be obtained from regular interviews with agency clients from 1991. Third, self-reported behaviour change by IDUs known to services appears promising with respect to cessation of sharing of injecting equipment, though changes in sexual behaviour are less impressive. Finally, Mersey Region has one of the lowest official rates of HIV infection among IDUs in the whole country. There is also some evidence which suggest that treatment reduces the criminal activity of opiate users. More evidence concerning the effectiveness of the Mersey harm-reduction strategy will be reported in 1991. (Extract from the author's abstract)
Les autorités de la région de Liverpool ont entrepris un programme de lutte contre la drogue et le SIDA qui semble efficace. Il accorde plus d'attention aux toxicomanes et aux prostituées à qui l'information relative au SIDA leur est rendue plus accessible. Tout est mis en oeuvre, notamment la coopération de la police, afin que les toxicomanes soient pris en charge et suivis personnellement. D'après des études statistiques, il semble que le programme porte déjà ses fruits, puisque les comportements toxicomaniaques et sexuels évoluent sensiblement.
Official contacts with drug users in Merseyside have increased over the last five years. Second, the efficiency of service delivery appears to be good by such indicators as exchange rates and condom uptake figures. More relevant assessments of service delivery will be obtained from regular interviews with agency clients from 1991. Third, self-reported behaviour change by IDUs known to services appears promising with respect to cessation of sharing of injecting equipment, though changes in sexual behaviour are less impressive. Finally, Mersey Region has one of the lowest official rates of HIV infection among IDUs in the whole country. There is also some evidence which suggest that treatment reduces the criminal activity of opiate users. More evidence concerning the effectiveness of the Mersey harm-reduction strategy will be reported in 1991. (Extract from the author's abstract)
Affiliation :
Royaume-Uni. United Kingdom.
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