Article de Périodique
Substance abuse and control in the United States: ethical and legal issues (1992)
(Contrôle et abus de substances aux Etats Unis : réponses éthiques et légales)
Auteur(s) :
Article en page(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
LOI (Loi et son application / Law enforcement)
Thésaurus mots-clés
Thésaurus géographique
Résumé :
A l'heure de la dernière offensive nationale contre la drogue, et de son échec apparent, probablement dû à une politique privilégiant la répression ; cet article présente les débats et controverses actuels sur les grands sujets qui préoccupent les Etats Unis en matière de drogue : l'augmentation du nombre de personnes touchées, les efforts de contrôle et de prévention, la légalisation, les actions de terrain, les dilemmes du traitement et des mères toxicomanes.
In 1986, the United States began to wage its most recent War on Drugs. This has involved establishing various policies and making investments to implement these policies and approaches. In general, the U.S. has taken a tough-guy stand to drug abuse and control that emphasizes punishment, restriction, and ‘social warfare’, as opposed to a public health oriented position. Current policy reflects a ‘quick fix’ solution to a complex problem, which may partially explain its failure and why we appear to be losing the War on Drugs. In this review I summarize the current debates and controversies surrounding drug abuse in the U.S. regarding the extent of the drug problem, the need for drug control, prevention efforts, legalization controversy, workplace strategies, treatment dilemmas, and maternal drug abuse. I argue that a radically different approach must be taken that is grounded in public health methods and an appreciation of the larger social context in which drug abuse occurs. We must look for a long-term solution to this complex problem that is integrated into society, and which is certainly resistant to the current quick fix approaches.
A l'heure de la dernière offensive nationale contre la drogue, et de son échec apparent, probablement dû à une politique privilégiant la répression ; cet article présente les débats et controverses actuels sur les grands sujets qui préoccupent les Etats Unis en matière de drogue : l'augmentation du nombre de personnes touchées, les efforts de contrôle et de prévention, la légalisation, les actions de terrain, les dilemmes du traitement et des mères toxicomanes.
In 1986, the United States began to wage its most recent War on Drugs. This has involved establishing various policies and making investments to implement these policies and approaches. In general, the U.S. has taken a tough-guy stand to drug abuse and control that emphasizes punishment, restriction, and ‘social warfare’, as opposed to a public health oriented position. Current policy reflects a ‘quick fix’ solution to a complex problem, which may partially explain its failure and why we appear to be losing the War on Drugs. In this review I summarize the current debates and controversies surrounding drug abuse in the U.S. regarding the extent of the drug problem, the need for drug control, prevention efforts, legalization controversy, workplace strategies, treatment dilemmas, and maternal drug abuse. I argue that a radically different approach must be taken that is grounded in public health methods and an appreciation of the larger social context in which drug abuse occurs. We must look for a long-term solution to this complex problem that is integrated into society, and which is certainly resistant to the current quick fix approaches.
Affiliation :
Div. Counselling Educ. Psychol. , Univ. S. California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0031
Etats-Unis. United States.
Etats-Unis. United States.