Behavioral pharmacology of tandospirone in baboons : chronic administration and withdrawal, self-injection and drug discrimination
(Pharmacologie de la tandospirone chez les baboins : administration chronique, sevrage, auto-injection et discriminaiton)
Auteur(s) :
N. A. ATOR ;
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
PRO (Produits, mode d'action, méthode de dépistage / Substances, action mode, screening methods)
Note générale :
Drug and Alcohol Dependence ,1993, 32, 195-208
Résumé :
La tandospirone, nouvel anxiolytique, agit sur les sites de la 5HT. Le mode d'action serait différent de celui des barbituriques et des benzodiazépines, et le pouvoir toxicomanogène plus faible.
The behavioral pharmacology of tandospirone (SM 3997), a novel anxiolytic/antidepressant pyrimidinylpiperazine compound with selective pharmacological effects at he 5-HT binding site, was investigated in baboons. Animals administered 50 mg/kg/day i.g. tandospirone, showed few behavioral changes which decreased over 2 weeks. Substitution of vehicle for tandopirone after 7 weeks produced time-limited suppression of food intake, suggesting a mild withdrawal syndrome. Under an i.v. self -injection procedure, tandospirone did not maintain responding greater than vehicle, although cocaine and triazolam did. Under a drug discrimination procedure, tandospirone did not occasion drug-appropriate responding in baboons trained to descriminate lorazepam or pentobarbital and buspirone did not occasion drug-appropriate responding in the pentobarbital-trainig group. Tandospirone's profile of effects differs from those for barbiturates and benzodiazepines and suggest low abuse liability. (From author's abstract)
La tandospirone, nouvel anxiolytique, agit sur les sites de la 5HT. Le mode d'action serait différent de celui des barbituriques et des benzodiazépines, et le pouvoir toxicomanogène plus faible.
The behavioral pharmacology of tandospirone (SM 3997), a novel anxiolytic/antidepressant pyrimidinylpiperazine compound with selective pharmacological effects at he 5-HT binding site, was investigated in baboons. Animals administered 50 mg/kg/day i.g. tandospirone, showed few behavioral changes which decreased over 2 weeks. Substitution of vehicle for tandopirone after 7 weeks produced time-limited suppression of food intake, suggesting a mild withdrawal syndrome. Under an i.v. self -injection procedure, tandospirone did not maintain responding greater than vehicle, although cocaine and triazolam did. Under a drug discrimination procedure, tandospirone did not occasion drug-appropriate responding in baboons trained to descriminate lorazepam or pentobarbital and buspirone did not occasion drug-appropriate responding in the pentobarbital-trainig group. Tandospirone's profile of effects differs from those for barbiturates and benzodiazepines and suggest low abuse liability. (From author's abstract)
Affiliation :
J Hopkins Univ. Sch. Med. , BBRC-Suite 3000, 5510 Nath. Shock Dr. , Baltimore MD. 21224
Etats-Unis. United States.
Etats-Unis. United States.
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