Cocaine dependence : alcohol and other drug dependence and withdrawal characteristics
(Dépendance à la cocaïne, dépendance à alcool et à d'autres drogues et caractéristiques du sevrage)
Auteur(s) :
Année :
Langue(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Discipline :
PSY (Psychopathologie / Psychopathology)
Note générale :
Journal of Addictive Diseases, 1993, 12, (1), 25-35
Résumé :
Il existe un syndrôme de sevrage de la cocaïne, médicalement et psychiatriquement bénin, ne demandant pas de traitement particulier. On note que le diagnostic d'usage de cocaïne seule, sans consommation d'alcool ou d'autres drogues est rare, ce qui confirme la polytoxicomanie des populations traitées et de la population générale. 54% des patients consomment de l'alcool, et ceci antérieurement à leur usage de cocaïne.
In this study, a cocaine abstinence syndrome is confirmed. Moreover, the cocaine withdrawal syndrome was found to be medically and psychiatrically benign and required no medication for detoxification in this inpatient setting. The diagnosis of cocaine dependence alone without an additional drug or alcohol diagnosis was unusual in this study at 5%, as is the solitary use of cocaine also uncommon according to other studies. Studies clearly document that the concurrent and simultaneous use and dependence on multiple drugs and alcohol is present in the majority of treatment populations and common in the general population. (Extract from author's abstract)
Il existe un syndrôme de sevrage de la cocaïne, médicalement et psychiatriquement bénin, ne demandant pas de traitement particulier. On note que le diagnostic d'usage de cocaïne seule, sans consommation d'alcool ou d'autres drogues est rare, ce qui confirme la polytoxicomanie des populations traitées et de la population générale. 54% des patients consomment de l'alcool, et ceci antérieurement à leur usage de cocaïne.
In this study, a cocaine abstinence syndrome is confirmed. Moreover, the cocaine withdrawal syndrome was found to be medically and psychiatrically benign and required no medication for detoxification in this inpatient setting. The diagnosis of cocaine dependence alone without an additional drug or alcohol diagnosis was unusual in this study at 5%, as is the solitary use of cocaine also uncommon according to other studies. Studies clearly document that the concurrent and simultaneous use and dependence on multiple drugs and alcohol is present in the majority of treatment populations and common in the general population. (Extract from author's abstract)
Affiliation :
Dept Psychiatr., M/C 913, Univ. Ill. Chicago, Westside VA, Chicago, IL 60680
Etats-Unis. United States.
Etats-Unis. United States.