Alcohol, cocaine and accidents
(L'alcool, la cocaïne et les accidents)
Auteur(s) :
Année :
Langue(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Note générale :
Totowa, New Jersey, Humana Press, Drug Alcohol Abuse Rev., 7, 1995, 213 p.
Résumé :
Ce dossier, composé d'une dizaine d'articles, montre comment l'alcool multiplie les risques d'accidents dans un certain nombre de domaines (conduite automobile, aviation, activités aquatiques, etc.), et pour certaines populations : une étude s'intéresse aux comportements des jeunes vis-à-vis de l'alcool ; une autre, à la spécificité des risques et des dommages qui affectent les femmes. Le rôle des traitements, ainsi que les différentes approches préventives, sont évalués. Un chapitre est consacré aux accidents liés à l'usage de cocaïne : accidents de la route, accès de violence, homicides, suicides.
Drinking clearly increases the risk of injury and death, depending on the activity or situation. Young people's attitudes and behaviors toward drinking and driving have been demonstrated to have significant effects on risk of injury or accident. Similarly, aquatic injuries are highly associated with the use of alcohol. Aviation safety, especially of non-commercial planes, already requires the absence of alcohol use. Intervention programs designed to prevent alcohol-related accidents include community prevention, as well as treatment to reduce alcohol's modification of physiological function and the attendant trauma. Thus, by understanding the nature of alcohol's involvement in risky behaviors and accidents, strategies to reduce them can more readily be developed. Cocaine, which recently have been implicated in an increasing number of injuries, is also reviewed. (From the author's)
Ce dossier, composé d'une dizaine d'articles, montre comment l'alcool multiplie les risques d'accidents dans un certain nombre de domaines (conduite automobile, aviation, activités aquatiques, etc.), et pour certaines populations : une étude s'intéresse aux comportements des jeunes vis-à-vis de l'alcool ; une autre, à la spécificité des risques et des dommages qui affectent les femmes. Le rôle des traitements, ainsi que les différentes approches préventives, sont évalués. Un chapitre est consacré aux accidents liés à l'usage de cocaïne : accidents de la route, accès de violence, homicides, suicides.
Drinking clearly increases the risk of injury and death, depending on the activity or situation. Young people's attitudes and behaviors toward drinking and driving have been demonstrated to have significant effects on risk of injury or accident. Similarly, aquatic injuries are highly associated with the use of alcohol. Aviation safety, especially of non-commercial planes, already requires the absence of alcohol use. Intervention programs designed to prevent alcohol-related accidents include community prevention, as well as treatment to reduce alcohol's modification of physiological function and the attendant trauma. Thus, by understanding the nature of alcohol's involvement in risky behaviors and accidents, strategies to reduce them can more readily be developed. Cocaine, which recently have been implicated in an increasing number of injuries, is also reviewed. (From the author's)
Affiliation :
Univ. Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Etats-Unis. United States.
Etats-Unis. United States.