Rational drop-out from substance abuse treatment as a means to minimize personally felt risk ?
(Labandon rationnel dun traitement de lusage de drogues comme un moyen de minimiser le risque personnel ressenti ?)
Auteur(s) :
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Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Note générale :
Addiction Research, 1997, 5, (6), 507-518
Note de contenu :
Résumé :
Une enquête par questionnaire a été menée auprès dusagers de drogues en traitement et auprès de la moitié du groupe initial ayant suivi un traitement de 6 mois. Un niveau élevé dentretien des valeurs de la vie est corrélé avec la longueur du séjour en traitement et une baisse du sentiment de retour vers ces valeurs avec labandon du traitement. Le groupe toujours en traitement et celui layant abandonné, semblent tous les deux, suivre une trajectoire personnelle rationnelle en privilégiant la diminution des risques personnels et augmentant le retour vers les valeurs de la vie. Labandon du traitement ne doit donc pas, selon les auteurs, nécessairement être considéré comme un échec par les intervenants.
Drop-out from resident substance abuse treatment may be viewed as rational behaviour given the expectations of the abuser. A model is presented which calculates the total risk and expected return on equity of the abuser's social capital towards a set of values of life. The model was tested by questionnaire on 60 substance abusers who were residents in treatment and rehabilitation facilities, and on the half of the initial group who could be traced after com pleting a six months' stay. A high level of normal culture values of life correlated with length of stay, and a decrease in expected return on equity on their values of life correlated with early drop-out. Both the group staying and the group leaving the facilities seemed to follow a per sonally felt rational path, as indicated in their own estimates of social capital of values of life. This path indicated a desire to reduce personally felt risk and increase expected return on equity on a set of values of life. Defection from treatment may therefore not necessarily be thought of as a failure of either abuser or counsellor. Understanding personal rationality is suggested as a way to better matching of client to institution. (Author' s abstract)
Une enquête par questionnaire a été menée auprès dusagers de drogues en traitement et auprès de la moitié du groupe initial ayant suivi un traitement de 6 mois. Un niveau élevé dentretien des valeurs de la vie est corrélé avec la longueur du séjour en traitement et une baisse du sentiment de retour vers ces valeurs avec labandon du traitement. Le groupe toujours en traitement et celui layant abandonné, semblent tous les deux, suivre une trajectoire personnelle rationnelle en privilégiant la diminution des risques personnels et augmentant le retour vers les valeurs de la vie. Labandon du traitement ne doit donc pas, selon les auteurs, nécessairement être considéré comme un échec par les intervenants.
Drop-out from resident substance abuse treatment may be viewed as rational behaviour given the expectations of the abuser. A model is presented which calculates the total risk and expected return on equity of the abuser's social capital towards a set of values of life. The model was tested by questionnaire on 60 substance abusers who were residents in treatment and rehabilitation facilities, and on the half of the initial group who could be traced after com pleting a six months' stay. A high level of normal culture values of life correlated with length of stay, and a decrease in expected return on equity on their values of life correlated with early drop-out. Both the group staying and the group leaving the facilities seemed to follow a per sonally felt rational path, as indicated in their own estimates of social capital of values of life. This path indicated a desire to reduce personally felt risk and increase expected return on equity on a set of values of life. Defection from treatment may therefore not necessarily be thought of as a failure of either abuser or counsellor. Understanding personal rationality is suggested as a way to better matching of client to institution. (Author' s abstract)
Affiliation :
Drug Res. Group Inst. Gen. Practice Community Med., Dept Prev. Med., Univ. Oslo, POB 1130 Blindern, 0317 Oslo
Norvège. Norway.
Norvège. Norway.