Dialectical Behavior Therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and drug-dependence
(Efficacité de la Dialectical Behavior Therapy chez des patients présentant des troubles de la personnalité limite et une dépendance aux drogues.)
Auteur(s) :
CRAFT, J. C. ;
Année :
Page(s) :
Langue(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Thésaurus mots-clés
Note générale :
American Journal on Addictions, 1999, 8, (4), 279-292
Note de contenu :
graph. ; tabl.
Résumé :
La Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale destinée aux personnes suicidaires ayant des troubles de la personnalité limite (TPL), est évaluée auprès de 28 femmes pharmacodépendantes et TPL afin d'en établir son efficacité à traiter l'abus de drogues par rapport à un traitement classique. Le traitement a duré un an et des contrôles ont été effectués à 4, 8 et 12 mois de traitement. Il en résulte que le DBT a permis une diminution plus grande de la consommation de drogues mesurée par entretien structuré et analyse d'urine. Il offre également un meilleur suivi du traitement ainsi qu'une meilleure adaptation globale et sociale au cours du suivi.
A randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate whether Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), an effective cognitive-behavioral treatment for suicidal individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD), would also be effective for drug-dependent women with BPD when compared with treatment-as-usual (TAU) in the communit . Subjects were randomly assigned to either DBT or TAU for a year of treatment. Subjects were assessed at 4, 8, and 12 months, and at a 16-month follow-up. Subjects assigned to DBT had significantly greater reductions in drug abuse measured both by structured interviews and urinalyses through out the treatment year and at follow-up than did subjects assigned to TAU. DBT also maintained subjects in treatment better than did TAU, and subjects assigned to DBT had significantly greater gains in global and social adjustment at follow-up than did those assigned to TAU. DBT has been shown to be more effective than treatment-as-usual in treating drug abuse in this study, providing more support for DBT as an effective treatment for severely dysfunctional BPD patients across a range of presenting problems. (Author' s abstract)
La Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale destinée aux personnes suicidaires ayant des troubles de la personnalité limite (TPL), est évaluée auprès de 28 femmes pharmacodépendantes et TPL afin d'en établir son efficacité à traiter l'abus de drogues par rapport à un traitement classique. Le traitement a duré un an et des contrôles ont été effectués à 4, 8 et 12 mois de traitement. Il en résulte que le DBT a permis une diminution plus grande de la consommation de drogues mesurée par entretien structuré et analyse d'urine. Il offre également un meilleur suivi du traitement ainsi qu'une meilleure adaptation globale et sociale au cours du suivi.
A randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate whether Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), an effective cognitive-behavioral treatment for suicidal individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD), would also be effective for drug-dependent women with BPD when compared with treatment-as-usual (TAU) in the communit . Subjects were randomly assigned to either DBT or TAU for a year of treatment. Subjects were assessed at 4, 8, and 12 months, and at a 16-month follow-up. Subjects assigned to DBT had significantly greater reductions in drug abuse measured both by structured interviews and urinalyses through out the treatment year and at follow-up than did subjects assigned to TAU. DBT also maintained subjects in treatment better than did TAU, and subjects assigned to DBT had significantly greater gains in global and social adjustment at follow-up than did those assigned to TAU. DBT has been shown to be more effective than treatment-as-usual in treating drug abuse in this study, providing more support for DBT as an effective treatment for severely dysfunctional BPD patients across a range of presenting problems. (Author' s abstract)
Affiliation :
Dep. Psychology, Univ. Washington, Box 35525, Seattle, WA 98195-1525. E-mail : linehan@u.washington.edu.
Etats-Unis. United States.
Etats-Unis. United States.