Finding out about young people's ideas on drugs and drug use - application and limitations
(Recherche sur les idées des jeunes sur les drogues et leur consommation : application et limites)
Article en page(s) :
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Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
EPI (Epidémiologie / Epidemiology)
Thésaurus mots-clés
Note générale :
Drugs Education, Prevention and Policy, 2000, 7, (2), 139-146
Résumé :
Young people's ideas about drugs and drug use were elicited in two separate studies, one at Key Stage Two and the other at Key Stages Three and Four. The first study was used to assess primary children's drug education needs; this assessment was carried out as part Of a consultancy in which three primary schools were helped to formulate drug education policies. The second study was part of an evaluation of Tacade's Skills for Life (1994), a secondary school PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) pack. This evaluation was conducted with special reference to drug education. The previous paper reviewed the methodologies of elicitation used in the two studies, this paper discusses the application and limitations of those methodologies. (Author's abstract.)
Young people's ideas about drugs and drug use were elicited in two separate studies, one at Key Stage Two and the other at Key Stages Three and Four. The first study was used to assess primary children's drug education needs; this assessment was carried out as part Of a consultancy in which three primary schools were helped to formulate drug education policies. The second study was part of an evaluation of Tacade's Skills for Life (1994), a secondary school PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) pack. This evaluation was conducted with special reference to drug education. The previous paper reviewed the methodologies of elicitation used in the two studies, this paper discusses the application and limitations of those methodologies. (Author's abstract.)
Affiliation :
Univ. N. London, 166-220 Holloway Rd, London N7 8db
Royaume-Uni. United Kingdom.
Royaume-Uni. United Kingdom.
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