Factors associated with non-fatal heroin overdose: assessing the effect of frequency and route of heroin administration
(Les facteurs associés aux overdoses à l'héroïne non fatales : estimation de l'effet de la fréquence d'usage et de la voie d'administration de l'héroïne.)
Auteur(s) :
Article en page(s) :
Refs biblio. :
Domaine :
Drogues illicites / Illicit drugs
Langue(s) :
Discipline :
EPI (Epidémiologie / Epidemiology)
Thésaurus mots-clés
Thésaurus géographique
Note générale :
Addiction, 2002, 97, (3), 319-327
Note de contenu :
Résumé :
Etude qui a porté sur 2556 patients en traitement ambulatoire dans 164 services espagnols. La prévalence des overdoses est de 10 %. Les risques cumulatifs augmentent inversement à la fréquence de consommation - en cas d'usage sporadique le seuil de tolérance à l'héroïne baisse. Cependant, chez les usagers journaliers d'héroïne par voie injectable les risques augmentent en fonction de la fréquence - l'injection favorisant les pics sanguins. D'autres facteurs sont associés, tels l'usage d'alcool, de cocaïne ou de tranquillisants, ou encore le fait de vivre dans une région géographique particulière ou d'être séropositif depuis longtemps.
Aims: To examine risk factors associated with non-fatal heroin overdose, particularly frequency and route of heroin administration. Design: Data from cross-sectional surveys were analysed as a case-control and as a case cross-over design. Setting and participants: 2556 subjects treated for heroin dependence in 164 outpatient facilities in Spain. Measurements: Prevalence of overdose involving emergency care in the 12 months before treatment admission. Case control design: Odds ratio (OR) adjusted by logistic regression. Case-crossover design: Estimated relative risk (RR) of transient risk of injecting heroin. Findings: The prevalence of overdose was 10%. In the case control analysis the cumulative risk of overdose increased as the frequency of heroin use decreased. However, among daily heroin users this risk increased as the frequency of heroin injection rose, with an OR of 6.0 (95%, CI: 3.9-9.6) for daily injectors versus non-injectors. Sniffers had a higher risk than smokers among non-daily users, but not among daily users. Other factors associated with increased risk of overdose were: tranquillizers, alcohol or cocaine use. Living in certain regions and being long-term HIV+0. In the, case crossover analysis, the RR for injecting heroin versus using other routes immediately before overdose was 15.9 (95%CI: 9.5-26.6), and was much higher for non-daily heroin users than for daily users. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the rapid entry of a large quantity of heroin into the blood (as occurs when injecting) involves a high risk of overdose, especially when the heroin tolerance level is low (as occurs in sporadic users). (Author' s abstract)
Etude qui a porté sur 2556 patients en traitement ambulatoire dans 164 services espagnols. La prévalence des overdoses est de 10 %. Les risques cumulatifs augmentent inversement à la fréquence de consommation - en cas d'usage sporadique le seuil de tolérance à l'héroïne baisse. Cependant, chez les usagers journaliers d'héroïne par voie injectable les risques augmentent en fonction de la fréquence - l'injection favorisant les pics sanguins. D'autres facteurs sont associés, tels l'usage d'alcool, de cocaïne ou de tranquillisants, ou encore le fait de vivre dans une région géographique particulière ou d'être séropositif depuis longtemps.
Aims: To examine risk factors associated with non-fatal heroin overdose, particularly frequency and route of heroin administration. Design: Data from cross-sectional surveys were analysed as a case-control and as a case cross-over design. Setting and participants: 2556 subjects treated for heroin dependence in 164 outpatient facilities in Spain. Measurements: Prevalence of overdose involving emergency care in the 12 months before treatment admission. Case control design: Odds ratio (OR) adjusted by logistic regression. Case-crossover design: Estimated relative risk (RR) of transient risk of injecting heroin. Findings: The prevalence of overdose was 10%. In the case control analysis the cumulative risk of overdose increased as the frequency of heroin use decreased. However, among daily heroin users this risk increased as the frequency of heroin injection rose, with an OR of 6.0 (95%, CI: 3.9-9.6) for daily injectors versus non-injectors. Sniffers had a higher risk than smokers among non-daily users, but not among daily users. Other factors associated with increased risk of overdose were: tranquillizers, alcohol or cocaine use. Living in certain regions and being long-term HIV+0. In the, case crossover analysis, the RR for injecting heroin versus using other routes immediately before overdose was 15.9 (95%CI: 9.5-26.6), and was much higher for non-daily heroin users than for daily users. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the rapid entry of a large quantity of heroin into the blood (as occurs when injecting) involves a high risk of overdose, especially when the heroin tolerance level is low (as occurs in sporadic users). (Author' s abstract)
Affiliation :
Institut Municipal de Salut Publica, Plaza de Lesseps 1, 08023 Barcelona
Espagne. Spain.
Espagne. Spain.
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