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To celebrate 20 years since its inception, the World Drug Report 2017 is presented in a new five-booklet format designed to improve reader friendliness while maintaining the wealth of information contained within. Booklet 1 summarizes the conte[...]Following last year's 20th anniversary edition, the World Drug Report 2018 is again presented in a special five-booklet format designed to enhance reader friendliness while maintaining the wealth of information contained within. Booklet 1: Exec[...]The World Drug Report 2019 is again presented in five separate parts that divide the wealth of information and analysis contained in the report into individual reader-friendly booklets in which drugs are grouped by their psychopharmacological ef[...]Presented in six separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2020 provides a wealth of information and analysis to support the international community in implementing operational recommendations on a number of commitments made by Member States, inc[...]Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2021 provides an in-depth analysis of the global drug markets and paints a comprehensive picture of the measurable effects and potential impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world drug [...]Consisting of five separate booklets, the World Drug Report 2022 provides an in-depth analysis of global drug markets and examines the nexus between drugs and the environment within the bigger picture of the Sustainable Development Goals, climat[...]ENGLISH: For the first time since its conception, this year the World Drug Report consists of two products, a web-based element and a set of booklets. The latest global, regional and subregional estimates of and trends in drug demand and supply[...]NouveautéPrincipaux points d'intérêt : Les groupes criminels organisés profitent de l'instabilité et des problèmes relatifs à l'état de droit pour se livrer au trafic de drogues et à d'autres activités criminelles. L'usage de cocaïne n'a jamais été aus[...]T. DECORTE, Éditeur scientifique ; G. R. POTTER, Éditeur scientifique ; M. BOUCHARD, Éditeur scientifique ; P. REUTER, Préfacier, etc. | 2011
LivreFor the majority of its history, the cultivation of cannabis did not stand out, at least compared to the cultivation of other illegal plants. Cannabis plantations, like coca bush or opium poppy plantations, were typically large in size, grown by[...]C. A. KLEIN ; S. KANDEL | 2011
Dans Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (Vol.39, n°3, September 2011) Article : PériodiqueThe Internet has increasingly become an intrinsic part of everyday life, offering countless possibilities for education, services, recreation, and more. In fact, an entire virtual life within the digitalized World Wide Web is possible and common[...]R. GUPTA ; D. R. HOLTGRAVE ; M. A. ASHBURN | 2023
Dans New England Journal of Medicine (Vol.388, n°24, June 15, 2023) Article : PériodiqueUse of xylazine, most often in combination with other drugs such as fentanyl, is a rapidly growing health threat. People being harmed by this drug deserve rapid, comprehensive, and high-quality care.On devait déjà à P.A. Chouvy, jeune géographe et chargé de recherche talentueux au CNRS, un autre ouvrage récemment publié sur "Les territoires de l'opium, conflits et trafics du Triangle d'or et du Croissant d'or" (Ed. Olizane, Genève, 2002) ai[...]W. VANHOVE ; T. SURMONT ; P. VAN DAMME ; B. DE RUYVER | 2012
Dans Forensic Science International (Vol.220, n°1-3, 10 July 2012) Article : PériodiqueIn prosecution, Belgian judiciary currently uses outdated yield figures (28.1 g per plant, sold at € 3/g at grower level) for fining illicit indoor cannabis plantations. Using state-of-the-art cultivation techniques, our growth experiments showe[...]TOONEN M. ; RIBOT S. ; J. THISSEN | 2006
Dans Journal of Forensic Sciences (Vol.51, n°5, September 2006) Article : PériodiqueTo obtain a reliable estimation on the yield of illicit indoor cannabis cultivation in The Netherlands, cannabis plants confiscated by the police were used to determine the yield of dried female flower buds. The developmental stage of flower bud[...]The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University ; CASA | 2004
Document texte diversFRANÇAIS : Le centre national sur l'addiction et l'abus de drogues (CASA) de l'université de Columbia et un bureau privé révèlent que des médicaments dangereux et ayant un potentiel addictif sont facilement disponibles sur internet sans prescr[...]