Thésaurus mots-clés > Droit et justice > Représentants de l'Etat et de l'appareil judiciaire > PERSONNEL PENITENTIAIRE
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Substance Use and Misuse, Vol.46, n°12 - 2011
Bulletin : PériodiqueThis study, which was based in Ireland's main committal prison, used semi-structured interviews and a focus group to explore the perceptions of staff and prisoners towards methadone maintenance within the prison setting. Although the research su[...]L'auteur introduit sa réflexion par le constat de l'inadéquation de l'arsenal juridique actuel concernant les toxicomanes, en particulier l'enfermement. Un détenu sur 4 en France l'est pour infraction à la législation sur les stupéfiants, un tie[...]Cannabis use in a Swiss male prison: Qualitative study exploring detainees' and staffs' perspectives
C. RITTER ; B. BROERS ; B. S. ELGER | 2013
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.24, n°6, November 2013) Article : PériodiqueBackground: Several studies suggest a high prevalence of cannabis use before and during imprisonment, but subjective perspectives of detainees and staff towards its use in prison are lacking. This issue was explored in the framework of an observ[...]P. ROSSARD ; S. RIUNÉ-LACABE ; P. COUSIN ; C. DENIS ; M. AURIACOMBE | 2012
Dans Courrier des Addictions (Le) (Vol.14, n°2, Avril-mai-juin 2012) Article : PériodiqueFRANÇAIS : L'objectif de cette enquête (680 questionnaires distribués, 177 retournés, 107 retenus) était d'évaluer la présence de substances (notamment interdites), leur consommation en cours d'incarcération, l'asepsie et les comportements à ri[...]FRANÇAIS : Les chiffres concernant le nombre d'usagers de drogues en prison sont très variables : entre 10 et 37% des détenus seraient concernés. 80% des pays du Conseil de l'Europe appliquent une politique d'abstinence ou de désintoxication. [...]Some pilot models of distributing syringes to i.v. drug addicts in prisons have so far been implemented and evaluated in Switzerland, Lower Saxony and Hamburg. Further projects are planned in some German States. Their main purpose is to prevent [...]ENGLISH : In a European study of health problems arising in prisons, Tomasevski (1992) identified three critical, closely interrelated problem areas including substance abuse, mental health, and communicable diseases. In German prisons and in [...]T. KOLIND | 2015
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.26, n°9, September 2015) Article : PériodiqueBackground: Drugs play an increasing role in contemporary prison life. Prisoners' drug use, drug smuggling and drug selling have also had a growing impact on the work routines and practices of prison officers. This has led to critiques that pris[...]Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, Vol.23, n°2 - April 2016 - Drugs and prison
Bulletin : PériodiqueLa première expérience de mise en place d'une Unité Pour Sortants (UPS) remonte à mars 1992, à la maison d'arrêt de Fresnes. Depuis, l'expérience a été étendue à sept autres établissements pénitentiaires (Loos-de-Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Metz, St[...]K. MJALAND | 2016
Dans Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy (Vol.23, n°2, April 2016) Article : PériodiqueAims: The research on motivations and meanings associated with drug use in prisons has received little scholarly attention. Particularly, there are few studies analysing drug use in prisons from the perspective of both prisoners and prison offic[...]This report focuses on the introduction of harm reduction programmes in Moldovan prisons and describes successes achieved as well as remaining challenges. Research was conducted in Moldova in August 2007 and October 2008, with seven site visits [...]Based on the experience of many countries in the WHO European Region and the advice of experts, this guide outlines some of the steps prison systems should take to reduce the public health risks from compulsory detention in often unhealthy situa[...]Current Situation in Canadian Prisons. Rates of HIV and HCV in prison populations in Canada are much higher than those found in the general population. The high rates of HIV and HCV in Canadian prisons are closely related to two factors - the hi[...]