Thésaurus mots-clés > Prise en charge > Types de prise en charge > SOINS DE PREMIER RECOURS
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Dans Addiction Science and Clinical Practice (Vol.8, n°18, November 2013) Article : PériodiqueIncreasingly, patients with unhealthy alcohol and other drug use are being seen in primary care and other non-specialty addiction settings. Primary care providers are well positioned to screen, assess, and treat patients with alcohol and other d[...]A. McPHERSON | 2005
Dans British Medical Journal (Vol.330, n°7489, 26 February 2005) Article : PériodiqueIntroduction: The specific health needs of young people are often neglected by primary care as it is believed that adolescents are on the whole a healthy group who rarely present to their general practitioner (GP). "Out of sight" has been "out [...]L'alcool est un sujet de santé pour tous. Le professionnel de premier recours est un acteur privilégié pour toucher l'ensemble de la population et accompagner chaque personne au plus près de sa réalité de vie et de ses usages d'alcool. La HAS a [...]L'alcool est un sujet de santé pour tous. Le professionnel de premier recours est un acteur privilégié pour toucher l'ensemble de la population et accompagner chaque personne au plus près de sa réalité de vie et de ses usages d'alcool. La HAS a [...]J. MANTHEY ; A. GUAL ; A. JAKUBCZYK ; L. PIEPER ; C. PROBST ; P. STRUZZO ; M. TRAPENCIERIS ; M. WOJNAR ; J. REHM | 2016
Dans Journal of Substance Use (Vol.21, n°5, October 2016) Article : PériodiqueAims. Alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are prevalent in Europe but occurrence in primary care and the proportion of treated cases are understudied. This study reports prevalence of AUDs and their treatment in European primary health care settings an[...]NouveautéLa Fédération Addiction et AIDES publient ce 6 novembre 2024 le guide « Aller vers les chemsexeurs ». Construit sur la base des expérimentations du projet ARPA-Chemsex, des besoins exprimés par les chemsexeurs et des réponses initiées par les si[...]S. LEVY ; R. WEISS ; L. SHERRITT ; R. ZIEMNIK ; A. SPALDING ; S. VAN HOOK ; L. A. SHRIER | 2014
Dans JAMA Pediatrics (Vol.168, n°9, September 2014) Article : PériodiqueIMPORTANCE: Screening adolescents for substance use and intervening immediately can reduce the burden of addiction and substance-related morbidity. Several screening tools have been developed to identify problem substance use for adolescents, bu[...]L. T. GIMENEZ ; D. L. BONIS ; M. MOREL ; A. PALMARO ; L. DASSIEU ; J. DUPOUY | 2024
Dans Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment (Vol.156, January 2024) Article : PériodiqueIntroduction: France has one of the highest opioid agonist treatment (OAT) coverage rates in the world. French general practitioners (GPs) are providing the majority of prescriptions. However, a fall in the number of GPs initiating buprenorphine[...]D. E. JONAS ; J. C. GARBUTT ; H. R. AMICK ; J. M. BROWN ; K. A. BROWNLEY ; C. L. COUNCIL ; A. J. VIERA ; T. M. WILKINS ; C. J. SCHWARTZ ; E. M. RICHMOND ; J. YEATTS ; T. SWINSON EVANS ; S. D. WOOD ; R. P. HARRIS | 2012
Dans Annals of Internal Medicine (Vol.157, n°9, 6 November 2012) Article : PériodiqueBackground: Alcohol misuse, which includes the full spectrum from risky drinking to alcohol dependence, is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Purpose: To evaluate the benefits and harms of behavioral counseling intervent[...]P. P. ROY-BYRNE ; K. BUMGARDNER ; A. KRUPSKI ; C. DUNN ; R. RIES ; D. M. DONOVAN ; I. I. WEST ; C. MAYNARD ; D. C. ATKINS ; M. C. GRAVES ; J. M. JOESCH ; G. A. ZARKIN | 2014
Dans Journal of the American Medical Association (Vol.312, n°5, August 6, 2014) Article : PériodiqueImportance: Although brief intervention is effective for reducing problem alcohol use, few data exist on its effectiveness for reducing problem drug use, a common issue in disadvantaged populations seeking care in safety-net medical settings (ho[...]A. SUD ; K. CHIU ; J. FRIEDMAN ; J. DUPOUY | 2023
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.120, October 2023) Article : PériodiqueBackground: In passing the Maintstreaming Addiction Treatment Act, the United States has abolished its federal X waiver, considered a major barrier to the wider buprenorphine prescribing needed to respond to opioid-related harms. Advocates for t[...]J. R. H. ARCHER ; P. O. BEAUMONT ; D. MAY ; P. I. DARGAN ; D. M. WOOD | 2012
Dans Journal of Substance Use (Vol.17, n°4, August 2012) Article : PériodiqueBackground: The published ambulance referral criteria (ARC) for assessing individuals with acute recreational drug toxicity in the prehospital setting consist of nine domains. The ARC recommend that an ambulance is called to transfer those with [...]K. E. WATKINS ; A. J. OBER ; K. LAMP ; M. LIND ; C. SETODJI ; K. C. OSILLA ; S. B. HUNTER ; C. M. MCCULLOUGH ; K. BECKER ; P. O. IYIEWUARE ; A. DIAMANT ; K. HEINZERLING ; H. A. PINCUS | 2017
Dans JAMA Internal Medicine (Vol.177, n°10, October 2017) Article : PériodiqueImportance: Primary care offers an important and underutilized setting to deliver treatment for opioid and/or alcohol use disorders (OAUD). Collaborative care (CC) is effective but has not been tested for OAUD. Objective: To determine whether C[...]C. ELZERBI ; K. DONOGHUE ; C. DRUMMOND | 2015
Dans Addiction (Vol.110, n°7, July 2015) Article : PériodiqueAims: The extent of variation attributable to regional differences for the efficacy of brief intervention (BI) to reduce hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption is unclear. The primary aim of this study was to determine overall efficacy of BI [...]J. F. HUON ; J. F. HUON | 2024
Dans Actualités Pharmaceutiques (Vol.63, n°635, Avril 2024) Article : PériodiqueFRANÇAIS : Les psychotropes sont des médicaments fréquemment prescrits. Leur déprescription est un acte médical interprofessionnel à fort impact en santé publique. Elle permet d'améliorer la qualité de vie des patients et réduit les risques ass[...]