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Dans Contemporary Drug Problems (Vol.43, n°1, March 2016) Article : PériodiqueIntroduction: International drug policy has traditionally been based on the premise that illegal drugs are more harmful than legal substances. Here, we investigate how students in the UK and Norway now perceive possible harms related to tobacco [...]C. MOODIE ; J. HOEK ; J. SCHEFFELS ; K. GALLOPEL-MORVAN ; K. LINDORFF | 2019
Dans Tobacco Control (Vol.28, n°5, September 2019) Article : PériodiqueBy July 2018, five countries (Australia, France, the UK, New Zealand and Norway) had fully implemented plain (standardised) packaging. Using government documents, we reviewed the key legislative differences between these five countries to identi[...]FRANÇAIS : Comment concevoir une politique en matière de drogues ? Les membres de la plate-forme Recherche du Groupe Pompidou de 17 pays européens ont étudié ce sujet en tenant compte du contexte politique national, de l'influence des conventi[...]ENGLISH : The purpose of the present study was to explore the predictive power of four predictors (level of household education, rules for indoor smoking, awareness of health risks of ETS, and attitudes towards ETS) in accounting for level of [...]A. R. TALLAKSEN | 2017
Dans Contemporary Drug Problems (Vol.44, n°3, September 2017) Article : PériodiqueThis article describes the rise of the 1960s youth drug culture in Norway. By establishing a timeline of events, I detail how Norwegian patterns of drug use changed during the course of the decade. Two countries in particular influenced the deve[...]C. ISALBERTI ; T. VAN DER LINDEN ; S. A. LEGRAND ; A. VERSTRAETE ; I. M. BERNHOFT ; T. HELS ; M. N. OLESEN ; S. HOUWING ; M. HOUTENBOS ; R. MATHIJSSEN ; H. SCHULZE, Coordonnateur | 2011
RapportIntroduction: The European Integrated Project DRUID (Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines) is a part of the 6th Framework Program, the European Community Framework Program for Research, Technological Development and Demons[...]S. T. BOGSTRAND ; P. T. NORMANN ; I. ROSSOW ; M. LARSEN ; J. MORLAND ; O. EKEBERG | 2011
Dans Drug and Alcohol Dependence (Vol.117, n°2-3, September 2011) Article : PériodiqueBACKGROUND: Studies have found a high prevalence of both alcohol and other impairing psychoactive drugs in injured patient populations. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of potentially impairing psychoactive substances in all pa[...]OEDT = EMCDDA ; D. THANKI ; J. MATIAS ; P. GRIFFITHS ; A. NOOR ; D. OLSZEWSKI ; R. SIMON ; J. VICENTE | 2012
RapportThis report brings together, for the first time in Europe, an integrated overview of the prevalence of intensive cannabis use, defined as daily or almost daily cannabis use (use on 20 or more days in the month preceding survey). Self-reported da[...]H. GJERDE ; P. T. NORMANN ; A. S. CHRISTOPHERSEN ; J. MORLAND | 2011
Dans Forensic Science International (Vol.210, n°1-3, 15 July 2011) Article : PériodiqueAim: To estimate the prevalence of driving with blood drug concentrations above the recently proposed Norwegian legal limits for drugged driving in random traffic. The results from a roadside survey of 10,816 drivers was used as basis for the es[...]FRANÇAIS : Les incapacités permanentes causées par l'exposition à l'alcool pendant la grossesse (ou troubles du spectre de l'alcoolisation foetale), ainsi que les autres effets négatifs de cette exposition, constituent un important problème de [...]G. MEYER, Éditeur scientifique ; HAYER T., Éditeur scientifique ; M. GRIFFITHS, Éditeur scientifique | 2009
LivreFRANÇAIS : Cet ouvrage recouvre le thème du jeu pathologique en Europe. Chaque pays européen dévoile ainsi une photographie globale de l'univers des jeux de hasard et d'argent analysée et rédigée par l'expert du pays en question pendant l'anné[...]Objective: To estimate the prevalence of drug use disorders in the European Union and Norway. Method: Based on a systematic literature search and an expert survey, publications after 1990 on prevalence of drug use disorders (DUD, defined as drug[...]A. JOHANSSON ; K. G. GOTESTAM | 2004
Dans Psychological Reports (Vol.95, n°2, October 2004) Article : PériodiqueAn epidemiological study was performed on a representative sample of the Norwegian youth population (12 to 18 years old, N=3,237; response rate 45.2%). The percentage who were frequent players (weekly) of different computer games was 63.3%, and [...]This report describes the rationale, methodology and findings of a crossnational multicentre clinical trial of brief intervention procedures designed to reduce the health risks associated with hazardous alcohol use. The study was coordinated by[...]Le projet "Habben" se base sur une approche du groupe le plus influent au sein de la population toxicomane et vise d'abord la réinsertion professionnelle et sociale des jeunes toxicomanes. Difficile pour les travailleurs sociaux responsables, ce[...]