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Dans Journal of Substance Use (Vol.23, n°3, April 2018) Article : PériodiqueBackground: Licit and illicit drugs are commonly used for recreational purposes, with users viewing them as a relatively safe and acceptable leisure activity. This study proposes key drivers for better understanding the attractions of recreation[...]FRANÇAIS : Résultats d'un questionnaire auprès de 139 infirmiers (hommes et femmes) en cure de désintoxication, comparés à 384 infirmiers non dépendants. Il n'a pas été constaté de différence entre les 2 groupes sur le plan de la formation prof[...]Des études longitudinales ont fourni la preuve que les médecins d'âge moyen qui buvaient beaucoup et qui prenaient des médicaments psychotropes avaient une personnalité fragile et vulnérable, comme les étudiants. Certains médecins semblent davan[...]When trying to explain how women's employment affects their drinking behavior, oversimplified theories produce weak and inconsistent results. Recent research casts doubt on any simple ideas that paid employment is hazardous for women'6 mental he[...]D. GIMENO ; B. C. III AMICK ; T. BARRIENTOS-GUTIERREZ ; T. W. MANGIONE | 2009
Dans International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health (Vol.82, n°3, February 2009) Article : PériodiqueOBJECTIVES: To examine the relationship between two alternative psychosocial work exposure measurement frameworks (i.e., job alienation and job stress) and three drinking behaviours (frequent, heavy and drinking and work). METHODS: A cross-sec[...]ENGLISH : Stress in the workplace is a common factor. Can a stressful job lead to problems with alcohol? The author reviews four research models that have been developed to explain the effects of stress on employee drinking: the simple cause-e[...]Une relation complexe est établie entre l'usage de drogues et le surmenage. Les femmes ont plus facilement tendance que les hommes à utiliser des drogues licites ou illicites pour faire face au surmenage. Mais la relation n'est pas si simple, d'[...]KOUVONEN A. ; KIVIMAKI M. ; VIRTANEN M. ; VAHTERA | 2005
Dans Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (Vol.59, n°1, January 2005) Article : PériodiqueStudy objective: To examine the relation between work stress, as indicated by the job strain model, and the effort-reward imbalance model, and smoking. Setting: Ten municipalities and 21 hospitals in Finland. Design and participants: Binary lo[...]OBJECTIVE: While job-related alcohol use may be associated with problems for drinkers, less is known about the effects of employee drinking on co-workers. We hypothesized that either exposure to co-worker drinking or the presence of a drinking c[...]Workplace harassment and the self-medication of distress : a conceptual model and case illustrations
FRANÇAIS : Cette étude établit des liens entre les expériences de harcèlement sur le lieu de travail et l'automédication de détresse par un usage d'alcool et de drogues. Elle conclut à l'importance et à l'efficacité du traitement et de la préve[...]