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Ce numéro spécial de la revue Tabac-News, revue des producteurs et industriels du tabac, propose des données globales et détaillées sur le marché du tabac en France en 2003. Les 33000 buralistes français ont vendu en 2003 pour 14,42 milliard d[...]Territorial control and the scope and resilience of cannabis and other illegal drug crop cultivation
As revealed by the examples of Morocco, northeast India, Afghanistan, Burma/Myanmar, and the United States of America, degrees of politico-territorial control or law-enforcement deficit by the state can explain, to some extent, the existence of [...]ENGLISH : This paper examines the effect of drug prohibition on the black market prices of cocaine and heroin. The paper examines the ration of retail to farmgate price for cocaine, heroin, and several legal goods, and it compares legal versus[...]R. BUSNEL ; H. MANRIQUE LOPEZ | 2023
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.117, July 2023) Article : PériodiqueAs the world's second largest coca producer, Peru has a flourishing market for coca for non-narcotic uses. With more than 20,000 hectares and approximately 35,000 officially registered farmers in the Peruvian legal scheme for coca cultivation an[...]F. THOMSON ; P. MEEHAN ; J. GOODHAND | 2024
Dans Journal of Peasant Studies (Vol.51, n°4, 2024) Article : PériodiqueThis article and the forum it introduces examine illicit drug crop (IDC) economies from agrarian perspectives. Examining IDCs as a group implies analysing how prohibition distinguishes them from other (licit) crops. We identify seven mechanisms [...]F. GUTIERREZ-SANIN | 2021
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.89, March 2021) Article : PériodiqueThis paper compares coca with mainstream agrarian economies in Colombia. It shows that the country's legal and illicit sectors share several fundamental characteristics and processes. Due to its very illegality, coca is endowed with positive cha[...]Supply-side interventions are often criticised for reducing illicit drug crop cultivation in one location only for it to rise in another: the balloon effect. The balloon effect is generally seen as an inevitable consequence of attempts to reduce[...]FRANÇAIS : Des paysans constamment menacés par des guerilleros qui les soumettent au racket, et des narcotrafiquants qui leur imposent leur loi : cette enquête de type journalistique montre comment la vie quotidienne en Colombie est placée sou[...]FRANÇAIS : Vocabulaire de la production et de la transformation du tabac. Cet ouvrage recense l'ensemble des termes et expressions utiles à la bonne compréhension de tout texte relatif au tabac. Les domaines agricoles, industriel et scientifiq[...]J. A. GUTIERREZ | 2021
Dans International Journal of Drug Policy (Vol.89, March 2021) Article : PériodiqueSince the formal declaration of the War on Drugs in the 1980s, illicit drugs and crops have been regarded primarily as a security problem. However, without a comprehensive development strategy and deep transformative reform addressing structural[...]Bolivia is a centre for drug production and trafficking and yet it experiences far less drug-related violence than other countries in Latin America that form part of cocaine's commodity chain. Drawing upon more than three years of ethnographic f[...]This article questions how the concepts of terroir and landrace are relevant for the drug cannabis industry at a time when cannabis legalisation and its associated “green rush” pose a growing threat to both the genetic and cultural diversity tha[...]