Thésaurus mots-clés > Epidémiologie : variables et méthodes > Méthodes > EPIDEMIOLOGIE ANALYTIQUE > ETUDE RETROSPECTIVE
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ENGLISH : This article analyzes retrospective information reported in an individual specific cross-sectional data set to examine who among daily cigarette smokers is likely to quit. In general, current quitting information is quite different f[...]K. McCOY ; J. McGUIRE ; R. CURTIS ; B. SPUNT | 2005
Dans Journal of Drug Issues (Vol.35, n°4, Fall 2005) Article : PériodiqueENGLISH : We examined heroin use among 15 White middle-class women using data from in-depth qualitative interviews and ethnographic observation between May 1996 and April 1999. These women represent a subsample of a diverse group of 550 in an [...]LEMAK C. H. ; J. A. ALEXANDER ; J. ROY | 2003
Dans Journal of Health and Social Behavior (Vol.44 n°2, 2003) Article : PériodiqueENGLISH : Contingent staffing arrangements are defined as conditional and transitory work arrangements. In the drug abuse treatment sector, contingent staffing arrangements have the potential to improve treatment if they are used to increase a[...]ENGLISH : To better understand why most persons in drug treatment smoke, we explored patients' views of the relationship between their smoking, methadone, and drug use. Recruiting from four methadone clinics, we held seven focus groups with 68[...]A. C. HOLT ; D. M. SCHWOPE ; K. LE ; J. P. SCHRECKER ; R. HELTSLEY | 2023
Dans Journal of Addiction Medicine (Vol.17, n°4, July-August 2023) Article : PériodiqueOBJECTIVES: Xylazine is a tranquilizer commonly added into the illicit drug supply and a likely contributor to overdoses because it does not respond to naloxone reversal. The objective of this study was to perform a retrospective data analysis o[...]A. KLATSKY ; G. FRIEDMAN ; M. ARMSTRONG ; KIPP H. | 2003
Dans American Journal of Epidemiology (Vol.158, n°6, September 2003) Article : PériodiqueA substantially increased risk for heavy drinkers and a slightly reduced risk for lighter drinkers results in the J-shaped alcohol-mortality curve. Limited data suggest a more favorable mortality experience for drinkers of wine than for drinkers[...]M. OBERG ; M. S. JAAKKOLA ; A. WOODWARD ; A. PERUGA ; A. PRUSS-USTUN | 2011
Dans Lancet (The) (Vol.377, n°9760, Jan 08, 2011) Article : PériodiqueBackground: Exposure to second-hand smoke is common in many countries but the magnitude of the problem worldwide is poorly described. We aimed to estimate the worldwide exposure to second-hand smoke and its burden of disease in children and adul[...]