Bulletin de Périodique
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , Vol.25, n°4 - December 2011
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• 21st birthday drinking and associated physical consequences and behavioral risks. Brister H.A., Sher K.J., Fromme K., p. 573-582.
• Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking and risky sex. Dermen K.H., Thomas S.N., p. 583-594.
• Associations between depression, distress tolerance, delay discounting, and alcohol-related problems in European American and African American college students. Dennhardt A.A., Murphy J.G., p. 595-604.
• A beverage-specific measure of expectancies for malt liquor: Development and initial testing. Collins R.L., Vincent P.C., Bradizza C.M., Kubiak A.J., Falco D.L., p. 605-615.
• Incident-specific and individual-level moderators of brief intervention effects with mandated college students. Mastroleo N.R., Murphy J.G., Colby S.M., Monti P.M., Barnett N.P., p. 616-624.
• Early age alcohol use and later alcohol problems in adolescents: Individual and peer mediators in a bi-national study. Mason W.A., Toumbourou J.W., Herrenkohl T.I., Hemphill S.A., Catalano R.F., Patton G.C., p. 625-633.
• Developmental pathways to adolescent cannabis abuse and dependence: Child maltreatment, emerging personality, and internalizing versus externalizing psychopathology. Oshri A., Rogosch F.A., Burnette M.L., Cicchetti D., p. 634-644.
• Self-image bias in drug use attributions. Monk R.L., Heim D., p. 645-651.
• The relationship of childhood trauma to nicotine dependence in pregnant smokers. Blalock J.A., Nayak N., Wetter D.W., Schreindorfer L., Minnix J.A., Canul J., et al., p. 652-663.
• Drinking patterns of pathological gamblers before, during, and after gambling treatment. Rash C.J., Weinstock J., Petry N.M., p. 664-674.
• Time course of attentional bias for gambling information in problem gambling. Brevers D., Cleeremans A., Bechara A., Laloyaux C., Kornreich C., Verbanck P., et al., p. 675-682.
• Thrill seeking and religiosity in relation to adolescent substance use: Tests of joint, interactive, and indirect influences. Mason W.A., Spoth R.L., p. 683-696.
• Alcohol approach tendencies in heavy drinkers: Comparison of effects in a relevant stimulus-response compatibility task and an approach/avoidance Simon task. Field M., Caren R., Fernie G., De Houwer J., p. 697-701.
• Event-specific drinking among college students. Neighbors C., Atkins D.C., Lewis M.A., Lee C.M., Kaysen D., Mittmann A., et al., p. 702-707.
• Adolescent alcohol-related risk cognitions: The roles of social norms and social networking sites. Litt D.M., Stock M.L., p. 708-713.
• The influence of confidence on associations among personal attitudes, perceived injunctive norms, and alcohol consumption. Neighbors C., Lindgren K.P., Knee C.R., Fossos N., Dibello A., p. 714-720.
• The effect of anxiety sensitivity on alcohol consumption among individuals with comorbid alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder. Gillihan S.J., Farris S.G., Foa E.B., p. 721-726.
• Social norms and self-efficacy among heavy using adolescent marijuana smokers. Walker D.D., Neighbors C., Rodriguez L.M., Stephens R.S., Roffman R.A., p. 727-732.
• Cue-reactivity in the natural environment of cigarette smokers: The impact of photographic and in vivo smoking stimuli. Wray J.M., Godleski S.A., Tiffany S.T., p. 733-737.
• Gaming machine addiction: The role of avoidance, accessibility and social support. Thomas A.C., Allen F.L., Phillips J., Karantzas G., p. 738-744.
• Domain-general and domain-specific strategies for the assessment of distress intolerance. McHugh R.K., Otto M.W., p. 745-749.
• 21st birthday drinking and associated physical consequences and behavioral risks. Brister H.A., Sher K.J., Fromme K., p. 573-582.
• Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking and risky sex. Dermen K.H., Thomas S.N., p. 583-594.
• Associations between depression, distress tolerance, delay discounting, and alcohol-related problems in European American and African American college students. Dennhardt A.A., Murphy J.G., p. 595-604.
• A beverage-specific measure of expectancies for malt liquor: Development and initial testing. Collins R.L., Vincent P.C., Bradizza C.M., Kubiak A.J., Falco D.L., p. 605-615.
• Incident-specific and individual-level moderators of brief intervention effects with mandated college students. Mastroleo N.R., Murphy J.G., Colby S.M., Monti P.M., Barnett N.P., p. 616-624.
• Early age alcohol use and later alcohol problems in adolescents: Individual and peer mediators in a bi-national study. Mason W.A., Toumbourou J.W., Herrenkohl T.I., Hemphill S.A., Catalano R.F., Patton G.C., p. 625-633.
• Developmental pathways to adolescent cannabis abuse and dependence: Child maltreatment, emerging personality, and internalizing versus externalizing psychopathology. Oshri A., Rogosch F.A., Burnette M.L., Cicchetti D., p. 634-644.
• Self-image bias in drug use attributions. Monk R.L., Heim D., p. 645-651.
• The relationship of childhood trauma to nicotine dependence in pregnant smokers. Blalock J.A., Nayak N., Wetter D.W., Schreindorfer L., Minnix J.A., Canul J., et al., p. 652-663.
• Drinking patterns of pathological gamblers before, during, and after gambling treatment. Rash C.J., Weinstock J., Petry N.M., p. 664-674.
• Time course of attentional bias for gambling information in problem gambling. Brevers D., Cleeremans A., Bechara A., Laloyaux C., Kornreich C., Verbanck P., et al., p. 675-682.
• Thrill seeking and religiosity in relation to adolescent substance use: Tests of joint, interactive, and indirect influences. Mason W.A., Spoth R.L., p. 683-696.
• Alcohol approach tendencies in heavy drinkers: Comparison of effects in a relevant stimulus-response compatibility task and an approach/avoidance Simon task. Field M., Caren R., Fernie G., De Houwer J., p. 697-701.
• Event-specific drinking among college students. Neighbors C., Atkins D.C., Lewis M.A., Lee C.M., Kaysen D., Mittmann A., et al., p. 702-707.
• Adolescent alcohol-related risk cognitions: The roles of social norms and social networking sites. Litt D.M., Stock M.L., p. 708-713.
• The influence of confidence on associations among personal attitudes, perceived injunctive norms, and alcohol consumption. Neighbors C., Lindgren K.P., Knee C.R., Fossos N., Dibello A., p. 714-720.
• The effect of anxiety sensitivity on alcohol consumption among individuals with comorbid alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder. Gillihan S.J., Farris S.G., Foa E.B., p. 721-726.
• Social norms and self-efficacy among heavy using adolescent marijuana smokers. Walker D.D., Neighbors C., Rodriguez L.M., Stephens R.S., Roffman R.A., p. 727-732.
• Cue-reactivity in the natural environment of cigarette smokers: The impact of photographic and in vivo smoking stimuli. Wray J.M., Godleski S.A., Tiffany S.T., p. 733-737.
• Gaming machine addiction: The role of avoidance, accessibility and social support. Thomas A.C., Allen F.L., Phillips J., Karantzas G., p. 738-744.
• Domain-general and domain-specific strategies for the assessment of distress intolerance. McHugh R.K., Otto M.W., p. 745-749.
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Dans Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (Vol.25, n°4, December 2011) Article : Périodique
Dans Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (Vol.25, n°4, December 2011) Article : Périodique
Adolescence is a time in which individuals are particularly likely to engage in health-risk behaviors, with marijuana being the most prevalent illicit drug used. Perceptions of others' use (i.e., norms) have previously been found to be related t[...]
Dans Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (Vol.25, n°4, December 2011) Article : Périodique
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Commonality in etiology and clinical expression plus high comorbidity between pathological gambling and substance use disorders suggest common underlying motives. It is important to understand common motivators and differentiating factors. An ov[...]