Bulletin de Périodique
Journal of Analytical Toxicology , Vol.48, n°9 - November 2024
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PRO (Produits, mode d'action, méthode de dépistage / Substances, action mode, screening methods)
Note de contenu :
- Four-year evaluation of drug-impaired driving drug concentrations. Cieri G., Mohr A.L.A., Fogarty M., Chan-Hosokawa A., Logan B.K., p. 641-652.
- Development and method validation of a sampling technique for a reproducible detection of synthetic cannabinoids in exhaled breath using an in vitro pig lung model. Walle N., Doerr A.A., Peters B., Laschke M.W., Menger M.D., Schmidt P.H., et al., p. 659-666.
- Assessment of postmortem urine fentanyl detection by autopsy dipstick testing in accidental overdose deaths. Tsang A., Rodda L.N., p. 667-671.
- Comprehensive evaluation of cocaine and its hydroxy metabolites in seized cocaine and a large cohort of hair samples. Madry M.M., Denifle T., Binz T.M., Bogdal C., Kraemer T., Baumgartner M.R., p. 672-683.
- Deaths involving novel benzodiazepines in Victoria, Australia from 2018 to 2022. Drummer O.H., Joubert S., Di Rago M., Castle J.W., Crump K., Glowacki L., et al., p. 684-690.
- Identification of 5-aminometonitazene and 5-acetamidometonitazene in a postmortem case: are nitro-nitazenes unstable? Parks C., Maskell P.D., McKeown D.A., Couchman L., p. 691-700.
- Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-hydroxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol as markers of cannabis use in urinary drug testing. Vikingsson S., Winecker R.E., Cone E.J., Kuntz D.J., Hayes E.D., Flegel R.R., et al., p. 710-714.
- Four-year evaluation of drug-impaired driving drug concentrations. Cieri G., Mohr A.L.A., Fogarty M., Chan-Hosokawa A., Logan B.K., p. 641-652.
- Development and method validation of a sampling technique for a reproducible detection of synthetic cannabinoids in exhaled breath using an in vitro pig lung model. Walle N., Doerr A.A., Peters B., Laschke M.W., Menger M.D., Schmidt P.H., et al., p. 659-666.
- Assessment of postmortem urine fentanyl detection by autopsy dipstick testing in accidental overdose deaths. Tsang A., Rodda L.N., p. 667-671.
- Comprehensive evaluation of cocaine and its hydroxy metabolites in seized cocaine and a large cohort of hair samples. Madry M.M., Denifle T., Binz T.M., Bogdal C., Kraemer T., Baumgartner M.R., p. 672-683.
- Deaths involving novel benzodiazepines in Victoria, Australia from 2018 to 2022. Drummer O.H., Joubert S., Di Rago M., Castle J.W., Crump K., Glowacki L., et al., p. 684-690.
- Identification of 5-aminometonitazene and 5-acetamidometonitazene in a postmortem case: are nitro-nitazenes unstable? Parks C., Maskell P.D., McKeown D.A., Couchman L., p. 691-700.
- Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-hydroxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol as markers of cannabis use in urinary drug testing. Vikingsson S., Winecker R.E., Cone E.J., Kuntz D.J., Hayes E.D., Flegel R.R., et al., p. 710-714.
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T. M. BINZ ;
Dans Journal of Analytical Toxicology (Vol.48, n°9, November 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans Journal of Analytical Toxicology (Vol.48, n°9, November 2024) Article : Périodique
As cocaine (COC) is not only incorporated into hair via blood following ingestion but also by external contamination, hair samples are commonly tested for COC metabolites to prove ingestion. However, COC metabolites can also be present as degrad[...]