Bulletin de Périodique
Addiction , Vol.119, n°12 - December 2024
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SOM (Sommaire de périodique / Journal contents)
Note de contenu :
- Questioning methadone split-dosing for analgesia among hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder [Editorial]. Terasaki D., Abts D., Ferraro K., p. 2044-2047.
- School-based interventions targeting substance use among young people in low-and-middle-income countries: A scoping review. Cadri A., Beema A.N., Schuster T., Barnett T., Asampong E., Adams A.M., p. 2048-2075.
- The relationship between cannabis and nicotine use: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Yimer T.M., McClure-Thomas C., Stjepanovic D., Wilson J., Chan G.C.K., Hall W.D., et al., p. 2076-2087.
- What is the prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroid use among women? A systematic review. Piatkowski T., Whiteside B., Robertson J., Henning A., Lau E.H.Y., Dunn M., p. 2088-2100.
- Effects of interventions to combat tobacco addiction: Cochrane update of 2021 to 2023 reviews. Livingstone-Banks J., Lindson N., Hartmann-Boyce J., p. 2101-2115.
- Effect of a peer-led emergency department behavioral intervention on non-fatal opioid overdose: 18-month outcome in the Navigator randomized controlled trial. Chambers L.C., Li Y., Hallowell B.D., Langdon K.J., Samuels E.A., Mahoney L.A., et al., p. 2116-2128.
- Commentary on Chambers et al.: Investigating the use of peer support services in substance use disorders treatment. Brady K.T., p. 2129-2130.
- Heightened mortality risk after a non-fatal opioid overdose: Risk factors for mortality in the week following emergency treatment. Eide D., Gjersing L., Danielsen A.W., Skulberg A.K., Dale O., Braarud A.C., et al., p. 2131-2138.
- Client preferences for the design and delivery of injectable opioid agonist treatment services: Results from a best-worst scaling task. Metcalfe R.K., Dobischok S., Bansback N., MacDonald S., Byres D., Lajeunesse J., et al., p. 2139-2150.
- Commentary on Metcalfe et al.: 'What works in AOD is when it feels like I am driving' (Craig W, alcohol and drug peer worker). Hayllar J.S., p. 2151-2152.
- Wastewater-based evaluation of the efficacy of oxycodone regulations in Australia. Verhagen R., Gerber C., Thai P.K., Connor J., Loveday B., Bade R., et al., p. 2153-2161.
- Age, period and cohort effects of heavy episodic drinking by sex/gender and socioeconomic position in Canada, 2000-2021. Andreacchi A.T., Hobin E., Siddiqi A., Smith B.T., p. 2162-2173.
- Commentary on Andreacchi et al.: Policy responses to shifting epidemiological trends in alcohol use in Canada. Kilian C., Probst C., p. 2174-2175.
- Examining how the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic affected alcohol use in different socio-demographic groups in an Australian representative longitudinal sample. Mojica-Perez Y., Livingston M., Pennay A., Callinan S., p. 2176-2184.
- How do people quit smoking using e-cigarettes? A mixed-methods exploration of participant smoking pathways following receiving an opportunistic e-cigarette-based smoking cessation intervention. Ward E., Belderson P., Clark A., Stirling S., Clark L., Pope I., et al., p. 2185-2196.
- Does gambling expenditure have any effect on crime? Wan W.Y., Wang J., Weatherburn D.J., p. 2197-2204.
- ChatGPT-4: Alcohol use disorder responses. Russell A.M., Acuff S.F., Kelly J.F., Allem J.P., Bergman B.G., p. 2205-2210.
- Prescribing of extended release buprenorphine injection for Medicaid beneficiaries, 2018-2022. Ross R.K., Rudolph K.E., Shover C.L., p. 2211-2215.
- The National Academy of Sciences 'Clearing the Smoke: assessing the Science Base for tobacco harm reduction'. Washington DC, National Academy Press, 2001 [Addiction classics]. Hall W., p. 2216-2220.
- Exploring gutka consumption: Healthcare risks on maternal and child health in Karachi, Pakistan. Khabir M., p. 2221-2222.
- Investigating gambling-related suicide. Roberts A., Rogers J., Petrovskaya E., Ashton A., Beck E., Ritchie C., et al., p. 2223-2225.
- Questioning methadone split-dosing for analgesia among hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder [Editorial]. Terasaki D., Abts D., Ferraro K., p. 2044-2047.
- School-based interventions targeting substance use among young people in low-and-middle-income countries: A scoping review. Cadri A., Beema A.N., Schuster T., Barnett T., Asampong E., Adams A.M., p. 2048-2075.
- The relationship between cannabis and nicotine use: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Yimer T.M., McClure-Thomas C., Stjepanovic D., Wilson J., Chan G.C.K., Hall W.D., et al., p. 2076-2087.
- What is the prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroid use among women? A systematic review. Piatkowski T., Whiteside B., Robertson J., Henning A., Lau E.H.Y., Dunn M., p. 2088-2100.
- Effects of interventions to combat tobacco addiction: Cochrane update of 2021 to 2023 reviews. Livingstone-Banks J., Lindson N., Hartmann-Boyce J., p. 2101-2115.
- Effect of a peer-led emergency department behavioral intervention on non-fatal opioid overdose: 18-month outcome in the Navigator randomized controlled trial. Chambers L.C., Li Y., Hallowell B.D., Langdon K.J., Samuels E.A., Mahoney L.A., et al., p. 2116-2128.
- Commentary on Chambers et al.: Investigating the use of peer support services in substance use disorders treatment. Brady K.T., p. 2129-2130.
- Heightened mortality risk after a non-fatal opioid overdose: Risk factors for mortality in the week following emergency treatment. Eide D., Gjersing L., Danielsen A.W., Skulberg A.K., Dale O., Braarud A.C., et al., p. 2131-2138.
- Client preferences for the design and delivery of injectable opioid agonist treatment services: Results from a best-worst scaling task. Metcalfe R.K., Dobischok S., Bansback N., MacDonald S., Byres D., Lajeunesse J., et al., p. 2139-2150.
- Commentary on Metcalfe et al.: 'What works in AOD is when it feels like I am driving' (Craig W, alcohol and drug peer worker). Hayllar J.S., p. 2151-2152.
- Wastewater-based evaluation of the efficacy of oxycodone regulations in Australia. Verhagen R., Gerber C., Thai P.K., Connor J., Loveday B., Bade R., et al., p. 2153-2161.
- Age, period and cohort effects of heavy episodic drinking by sex/gender and socioeconomic position in Canada, 2000-2021. Andreacchi A.T., Hobin E., Siddiqi A., Smith B.T., p. 2162-2173.
- Commentary on Andreacchi et al.: Policy responses to shifting epidemiological trends in alcohol use in Canada. Kilian C., Probst C., p. 2174-2175.
- Examining how the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic affected alcohol use in different socio-demographic groups in an Australian representative longitudinal sample. Mojica-Perez Y., Livingston M., Pennay A., Callinan S., p. 2176-2184.
- How do people quit smoking using e-cigarettes? A mixed-methods exploration of participant smoking pathways following receiving an opportunistic e-cigarette-based smoking cessation intervention. Ward E., Belderson P., Clark A., Stirling S., Clark L., Pope I., et al., p. 2185-2196.
- Does gambling expenditure have any effect on crime? Wan W.Y., Wang J., Weatherburn D.J., p. 2197-2204.
- ChatGPT-4: Alcohol use disorder responses. Russell A.M., Acuff S.F., Kelly J.F., Allem J.P., Bergman B.G., p. 2205-2210.
- Prescribing of extended release buprenorphine injection for Medicaid beneficiaries, 2018-2022. Ross R.K., Rudolph K.E., Shover C.L., p. 2211-2215.
- The National Academy of Sciences 'Clearing the Smoke: assessing the Science Base for tobacco harm reduction'. Washington DC, National Academy Press, 2001 [Addiction classics]. Hall W., p. 2216-2220.
- Exploring gutka consumption: Healthcare risks on maternal and child health in Karachi, Pakistan. Khabir M., p. 2221-2222.
- Investigating gambling-related suicide. Roberts A., Rogers J., Petrovskaya E., Ashton A., Beck E., Ritchie C., et al., p. 2223-2225.
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G. C. K. CHAN ;
W. D. HALL ;
Dans Addiction (Vol.119, n°12, December 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans Addiction (Vol.119, n°12, December 2024) Article : Périodique
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cannabis and nicotine (tobacco or e-cigarettes) use commonly co-occurs and understanding their relationship can help to inform public health strategies to prevent their harms. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analys[...]
Dans Addiction (Vol.119, n°12, December 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans Addiction (Vol.119, n°12, December 2024) Article : Périodique
AIMS: To summarise systematic reviews on tobacco addiction published by the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group (CTAG) from 2021 to 2023.
METHODS: We identified all new and updated Cochrane Reviews published by CTAG between 2021 and 2023. We prese[...]
Dans Addiction (Vol.119, n°12, December 2024) Article : Périodique
Dans Addiction (Vol.119, n°12, December 2024) Article : Périodique
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Heavy episodic drinking (HED) trends have not been comprehensively examined in Canada. We measured age, period and birth cohort trends in HED in Canada by sex/gender and socioeconomic position.