Auteur C. COOK
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (5)

FRANÇAIS : Une enquête a été conduite sur les politiques en matière d'alcool et de drogue dans l'aviation commerciale et en particulier sur celles qui concernaient les équipages navigants. La plupart des compagnies avaient leurs propres politi[...]
This report presents the findings of the EuroHRN civil society audit, an activity aimed at collating existing epidemiological and service coverage data and consulting with experts in order to map key issues for harm reduction in Europe. This in[...]
Europe is the birthplace of harm reduction, and the region where the successes of this approach in averting epidemics can be most plainly seen. It includes harm reduction champion countries, that have long invested in their national harm reducti[...]
HIV-related deaths and new HIV infections among people who inject drugs could be almost entirely eliminated by 2030 with just a tiny shift in global drug control spending. This is one finding of our report The Case for a Harm Reduction Decade. [...]
This report tells the story of HIV-related harm reduction funding over time and illustrates why an AIDS-free generation will not be possible if the present rate and pace of investment continues. It highlights the changing donor landscape and the[...]